博碩士論文 107355003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Hao Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract營造業是國家經濟發展建設的基礎工業其長時間以來 持續面臨 職業災害的問題而造成營造業職業災害以勞工不安全行為及不安全環境兩因素為主,其中又以不安全行為為主要原因。現代人因為壓力以及快速的資訊,容易在這個社會中迷失自我方向、失去心靈,而正念是一個心理狀態的運行,讓一個人的注意力集中在當下的 體驗 (包含內在感受與外在環境 )。正念覺察特質 係 可用來衡量人在壓力下的內外在狀態 之重要因素,又因營建業工程人員長時間處在高壓力環境下,進而影響其安全行為故此研究將以營造業工程人員正念覺察特質及安全行為做為研究 的主題,針對 正念 及安全行為的關聯性作探討,希冀能探究出 以正念為方法之 減低不安全行為的建議。本研究利用中文版正念覺察量表,作為評估營造業工程人員於 正念覺察特質 表現的工具,並利用安全行為量表評估營造業工程人員安全行為的認知程度 透過 ,並且透過統計分析來了解其關聯性。統計分析的結果顯示個人背景變項包含性別、年齡、教育程度、工作年資與正念覺察特質並無顯著關係,而正念覺察特質與安全行為有顯著關係。量表調查結果顯示營造業工程人員正念覺察特質較高的人不安全行為程度較低,故可針對營造業工程人員正念覺察特質加以培養,透過 正念訓練以有效 預防 不安全行為的發生。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe construction industry is a foundamental industry for national economic development; it has kept facing issues of occupational hazards for a long time. Workers’ unsafe behaviors and unsafe environment are two main causes of occupational hazards in the construction industry, and the former is much more significant than the latter. People in today’s world easily loss themselves because of pressure and fast information; mindfulness is a process of mind states and brings one’s attention to experiences (including internal feelings and external environments) occurring in the present moment. Mindful awareness features are significant factors for evaluating one’s internal and external states when he or she is under pressure. Because construction personnel are under high pressure environments for a long time further affecting their safety behavior, this research focuses on the mindful awareness features and safety behavior of construction personnel, studies their correlations, and aims at reducing occupational hazard rates by addressing unsafe behavior problems from the mindful awareness perspective. In this research, a mindful awareness questionnaire is used to assess the performance of mindfulness features of construction personnel whereas a safety behavior questionnaire is used to evaluate their cognition performance for safety behavior. Statistical analysis is further implemented to identify the correlations between mindful awareness features and safety behaviors of construction personnel. The analysis results show that personal background variables including gender, age, education level and working experience are not significantly realted to mindful awareness features, while mindful awareness features are significantly related to safety behavior. Specifically, construction personnel with higher mindful awareness features have a lower degree of unsafe behavior. Therefore, it is anticipated that unsafe behavior can be effectively prevented by cultivating the mindful awareness features of construction personnel and applying mindfulness training.en_US
DC.subjectsafety behavioren_US
DC.subjectunsafe behavioren_US
DC.title營造業工程人員之正念覺察特質與 安全行為關聯性之探討zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on the Correlation between the Mindful Awareness Features and Safety Behavior of Construction Personnelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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