博碩士論文 107356023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國際標準化組織在2018年3月發布ISO 45001職業健康與安全管理系統(以下稱為ISO 45001管理系統)取代OHSAS 18001職業健康和安全管理系統(以下稱為OHSAS 18001管理系統),本文報告某晶圓再生廠(以下稱為案例廠)融合先前通過的OHSAS 18001管理系統為ISO 45001管理系統過程。融合過程首先探討兩個管理系統差異重點,接著就案例廠組織背景、領導和工作者參與、規劃、支援、運作、績效評估、改善等各層面進行轉版,期望提供給尚未轉版或驗證通過ISO 45001管理系統的相關產業參考。 研究結果發現:案例廠在融合過程中最具挑戰性層面是工作者諮商及參與,因為要達到管理人與非管理人有效的雙向溝通需要彼此間能事先建立起互信,這取決於最高管理人的管理理念、員工對諮商事項的知識能力、勇於發表意見的熱忱、以及公司的風氣等,這些要素都需要時間來塑造,但往往可以影響管理系統融合的成功與否。透過第三方的驗證顯示:案例廠沒有重大缺失,但有4項次要缺失和11項觀察事項,這個成果已經符合ISO 45001標準的基本門檻,因此,案例廠取得ISO 45001驗證,得以延伸案例廠職業健康與安全管理的發展。 案例廠本次融合,有助於提升案例廠職業健康與安全管理的執行效率,這應歸功於全員互信與有效的溝通。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn March 2018, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (referred to as ISO 45001 management system in the text) to replace OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (referred to as OHSAS 18001 management system in the text). This work merged the OHSAS 18001 management system of a wafer reclaim plant (referred to as this plant in the text) certified previously into the ISO 45001 management system. The merging procedure started firstly with the investigation of the differences between two management systems. It was followed by transforming the various aspects such as the context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement of this plant. It aims to provide a reference source for the relevant industries not being transformed or certified for ISO 45001 management system. The results revealed that the most challenging part of the merging procedure was the consultation and participation of the plant workers. This is because the reaching of an effective mutual communication needs to build up mutual trust between managing and non-managing personnel in advance. It further depends on the management philosophy of the highest managing personnel, the knowledge level on matter-consultations from the workers, the enthusiasm of commenting from the workers, and the atmosphere of this plant. All these essentials require time to construct in this plant; however, they can result in either success or failure of management system merging. There were no major defects but having four minor nonconformities and 11 opportunities for improvement in this plant after the audit from a third-party institution. This achievement has fulfilled the basic requirements of ISO 45001 management system certification. Therefore, this plant was accredited with the ISO 45001 certification. The success of merging will help raise executing efficiency for occupational health and safety management from this plant, which was mostly attributed to mutual trust and effective communication among all personnel.en_US
DC.subjectISO 45001管理系統zh_TW
DC.subjectISO 45001 management systemen_US
DC.subjectwafer reclaim planten_US
DC.subjectmanagement system mergingen_US
DC.titleOHSAS 18001轉版ISO 45001管理系統的融合-以某晶圓再生廠為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe merging of management system transformation from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001: taking a wafer reclaim plant for an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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