博碩士論文 107426022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Chu Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於資訊科技的快速發展,薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)為生活帶來更高的便利性和使用性,逐漸影響人們的數位化生活。為了提升台灣TFT-LCD產業在國際間的競爭力,除了導入自動化生產系統外,企業傾向興建更大尺寸的面板廠,尺寸越大能使單片基板可切割出的片數越多,增加產量之外也使單位生產成本降低,但隨著尺寸逐漸增大,進而衍生出更大尺寸面板的搬運需求,因此面對大尺寸玻璃基板的搬運需求,如何更有效率地搬運,使生產效率提升,是本研究探討之重點。 現今自動化物料搬運系統(AMHS)為TFT-LCD廠自動化生產的核心,而AMHS系統主要是由無人搬運車(AGV)、有軌式無人搬運車(RGV)和林坤濱(2008)所提出的內嵌式自動倉儲(In-Line Stocker)的有軌巷道堆高機(Stacker Crane)所組成,本研究將會在AMHS的系統環境下針對大尺寸玻璃基板搬運流動規劃進行深入的探討,模擬物料搬運控制策略與生產流程之間的關係,期望能證明車輛搬運控制策略對TFT-LCD生產效率有正面的影響。 本研究將研究探討重點放在第八代TFT-LCD廠Array製程中的製程區內搬運活動,探討Stacker Crane之Cassette選取問題對於整體系統的影響,提出多屬性派送控制法則,根據先前研究之單屬性法則分析結果來作為權重設定的參考依據,並針對先前模擬環境進行修正。最後透過仿真模擬軟體Arena 15.0建構新的環境,並利用SPSS 22.0分析觀察多屬性法則與單屬性法則之產出量、平均流程時間、平均延遲時間、平均提早時間和平均差異時間之比較,以此判斷多屬性派送法則是否有顯著提升整個系統派送控制之效率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the rapid development of information technology, thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) brings higher convenience and usability to life, and gradually affects people′s digital life. In order to promote the international competitiveness of Taiwan′s TFT-LCD industry, in addition to the introduction of automated production systems, companies have increased the construction of large-scale panel factories. The size enables the number of single-piece substrates that can be cut out to increase output. The unit production cost is reduced, but the size must be gradually expanded, and the slenderness leads to the demand for handling large-sized panels. Therefore, in the face of the demand for handling large-size glass substrates, how to overcome the efficiency of handling and improve production efficiency is the focus of this study. Nowadays automated material handling system (AMHS) is the core of TFT-LCD factory automation production, and the AMHS system is mainly built by the unmanned vehicle (AGV), railless unmanned vehicle (RGV) and Lin Kunbin (2008). In-Line Stocker (In-Line Stocker) is composed of a rail roadway stacker (Stacker Crane). This study will conduct an in-depth discussion of the large-scale glass substrate handling flow planning under the AMHS system environment, and simulate material handling control. The relationship between the strategy and the production process is expected to prove that the vehicle handling control strategy has a positive impact on the TFT-LCD production efficiency. This study inherits the paper of Wang (2019) and research Intra-Bay handling and Inter-Bay handling in the Array process of the eighth generation TFT-LCD panel factory. Discuss a decision-making problems here : the selection problem of Stacker Crane’s Cassette, and propose a multi-attribute dispatch control rule. According to previous research At last, the simulation environment software Arena 15.0 is used to reconstruct the new environment, and SPSS 22.0 is used to analyze and compare the replacement amount of the multi-attribute rule and the single-attribute rule, the average process time, the average delay time, the average early time and the average difference time. Determine whether the multi-attribute dispatching law has significantly improved the efficiency of dispatch control for the entire system.en_US
DC.subjectStacker Cranezh_TW
DC.subjectIntra-Bay handlingen_US
DC.subjectStacker Craneen_US
DC.subjectMultiple Attribute dispatching control ruleen_US
DC.title以多屬性法則探討TFT-LCD廠Array製程區的Stacker Crane之Cassette選取問題zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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