博碩士論文 107427017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Ting Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要探討主管家庭支持行為、員工工作生活平衡重視度與員工加班工時對於員工生產力的影響,並依照Hammer, Kossek, Yragui, Bodner, & Hanson (2009)的研究,將主管家庭支持行為細分為四個子構面,分別是情感性支持、工具性支持、角色塑造行為和創造性職家平衡管理進行研究。首先,本研究探討主管家庭支持行為此四個子構面對於員工生產力是否會有直接的影響,再探討員工加班工時在主管家庭支持行為四個子構面與員工生產力之間是否扮演著中介效果的角色,接著探討主管家庭支持行為四個子構面與員工工作生活平衡重視度的交互作用是否會影響員工的加班工時,最後探討員工對於工作生活平衡的重視度是否會在主管家庭支持行為透過員工加班工時而對員工生產力的間接效果上扮演著調節式中介效果的角色。 本研究以台灣地區的員工為主要調查對象,並透過線上問卷調查作業,共收回297份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:(1)主管家庭支持行為子構面中的情感性支持與員工生產力有直接的正向關係。(2)主管家庭支持行為的四個子構面皆會透過員工加班工時的中介間接影響員工生產力。(3)員工對於工作生活平衡的重視度對於主管家庭支持行為子構面中的情感性支持、角色塑造行為、創造性職家平衡管理與員工加班工時間具有正向的調節效果。(4)員工對於工作生活平衡的重視度對於主管家庭支持行為子構面中的情感性支持、角色塑造行為、創造性職家平衡管理透過員工加班工時而對員工生產力的間接效果具有正向的調節式中介效果。本研究也依此實證研究結果提出管理實務建議,包括企業主管應盡可能主動提供員工所需支主管情感性支持,以達到直接正面影響員工生產力的目標,而公司也應主動提供主管於家庭支持行為上相關的教育訓練課程,課程內容可包含主管家庭支持行為的四個子構面(情感性支持、工具性支持、角色塑造行為和創造性職家平衡管理),來透過提高主管家庭支持行為減少員工加班工時、增加員工生產力。而除了主管的支持以外,公司是否能夠營造出一個高效率、不加班、並重視員工工作生活平衡的公司文化,亦是一件非常重要的事。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe present study examines how family supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB), employee perceptions of the importance of work-life balance, and overtime hours affect employee productivity. According to Hammer, Kossek, Yragui, Bodner, & Hanson (2009), FSSB consists of the following four subordinate dimensions: emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management. First, we examine the direct effect of FSSB on employee productivity. Then we examine the mediating role of employee’s overtime hours between FSSB and employee productivity. Then we examine the interaction effect of FSSB and employee perceptions of the importance of work-life balance on employee’s overtime hours. Finally, we examine the moderated mediation effect of employee perceptions of the importance of work-life balance on the indirect effect of FSSB on employee productivity. In the present study, employees in Taiwan were the main target of the survey, and a total of 297 valid questionnaires were collected through online questionnaire surveys. The result of our research indicated that (1) Among all subordinate dimensions of FSSB, emotional support is the only dimension that can positively affect employee productivity directly; (2) Employee’s overtime hours mediates the relationship between FSSB (all subordinate dimensions) and employee productivity; (3) Employee perceptions of the importance of work-life balance positively moderate effect on the relationship between three of FSSB’s subordinate dimensions (emotional support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management) and employee’s overtime hours. (4) Employee perceptions of the importance of work-life balance positively moderates the indirect effect of three of FSSB’s subordinate dimensions (emotional support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management) on employee productivity. The present study also puts forward management practical suggestions based on the empirical research results, including that business supervisors should actively provide employees with required emotional support to reach the goal of directly affecting employee productivity. Also, companies should actively provide supervisors with FSSB-related training courses, which design can base on the four subordinate dimensions of FSSB (emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management), to reduce employees′ overtime hours and increase employee productivity by improving FSSB. In addition to the support of the supervisor, it is also very important for companies to create an efficient corporate culture, which employees do not work overtime, and values the work-life balance of its employees.en_US
DC.subjectfamily supportive supervisor behavioren_US
DC.subjectemployee perceptions of the importance of work-life balanceen_US
DC.subjectovertime hoursen_US
DC.subjectemployee productivityen_US
DC.titleA Study of Relationship between Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior, Overtime Hours, and Employee Productivity: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Employee Perceptions of the Importance of Work-life Balanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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