博碩士論文 107451001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorzhu-yu Zhangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討網路直播募資平台可行性因素。現行台灣募資平台雖募資金額連年上升,但成功專案之極度偏重部分類別以及整體募資成功專案數約只有募資專案總數量一半。故本研究目的為在募資平台上藉由網紅代言人開設網路直播節目介紹募資專案,並藉此提升整體募資金額以及募資成功率之可行性因素。 本研究將研究目的依照文獻探討及專家意見整合為三大構面,分別為「代言人特質」、「募資平台技術」以及「直播節目品質」。以及十二項指標,分別為「代言人專業度」、「代言人誠信度」、「代言人吸引力程度」、「代言人相似度」、「代言人負面宣傳的風險性程度」、「平台資訊揭露程度」、「平台互動交流的機制程度」、「平台財務風險程度」、「節目之資訊多樣性」、「節目之知覺有用性」、「節目之知覺娛樂性」以及「節目即時連線的互動機制程度」。接著利用決策實驗室分析法DEMATEL給予實際參與募資行為及觀看網路直播之研究專家進行訪談填寫問卷,歸納出幾點重要的結論與建議。 本研究對台灣觀看網路直播以及具有募資經驗的專家共發出12份問卷,回收回12份問卷,回收有效問卷為12份。研究分析與結果發現:網路直播募資平台的多項構面中,「募資平台技術」在三大構面中為最具影響力之構面,而「直播代言人特質」則為最重要構面。在指標方面:而在影響其他因子之中,前五項以重要度排序之因子為:「B2.平台互動交流的機制程度」、「B1.平台資訊揭露程度」、「C4.節目即時連線的互動機制程度」、「B3.平台財務風險程度」以及「A4.代言人相似度」。 故本研究依照原因度歸納針對募資平台在做網路直播節目說明募資專案時應關注之策略歸納出三個結論:(1)重視代言人相似度、(2)建構募資及財務充分公開之機制、(3)架構穩定連線及充分互動之機制。因此,建議募資平台商在規劃網路直播節目介紹募資專案時之策略:(1)尋找符合直播募資專案屬性之代言人。(2)籌畫融合娛樂性以及有用資訊之互動節目。(3)建立專屬募資平台活動。以期提高平台整體募資成功率。 關鍵字:募資平台、網路直播節目、代言人特質、決策實驗室分析法DEMATELzh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the implement factors of the online webcast program type crowdfunding platform. Even though revenue from current crowdfunding is getting higher then higher, actual succeed project for crowdfunding is half then total amount of raised crowdfunding project and succeed project concentrated on few category. According to history literature and expert, classifying study purpose into three attributes below 「characteristics of endorser」、「crowdfunding platform technology」、「quality of webcasting program」, and twelve criteria. In this study DEMATEL mothed is used and 12 questionnaires were distributed to experts who had experience of online webcasts and crowdfunding, and 12 questionnaires were collected. 12 valid questionnaires were collected. Analysis and results found that: Among the three attributes of the online webcast program type crowdfunding platform, the "crowdfunding platform technology" of attribute is the most influential, and the " characteristics of endorser" of attribute is the most critical. In terms of criteria: in the attribute of the characteristics of endorser, "similarity of endorser" is the most important criteria that directly affects other. In attribute of crowdfunding platform technology, the "level of platform communication" is the most important criterion that directly affects other. In facet of quality of webcast programs, the "high level of real-time program connection" is the most important criterion that directly affects other. Therefore, this study summarizes three conclusions: (1) Attention to hire similarity of endorser. (2) Construct a full disclosure level of communication. (3) construct stable interactive connection. Based on conclusion, it is recommended that this study can give with: (1) Find endorser that meet the attributes of crowdfunding project. (2) Plan interactive programs that integrate entertainment and useful information. (3) organize exclusive activities for crowdfunding platform. to improving the overall crowdfunding success rate of platform. Keywords: Crowdfunding platform, Online webcast program, endorsement characteristics, DEMATELen_US
DC.subjectCrowdfunding platformen_US
DC.subjectOnline webcast programen_US
DC.subjectendorsement characteristicsen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Key Implement Factors for Online Webcast Type Crowdfunding Platformen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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