博碩士論文 107457027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuei-Su Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究藉由國際快遞業者之進口清關的報關部門,配合海關推動的「貨物通關自動化」,己經實施多年,隨著資訊通訊技術 (Information and Communication Technology) ICT的普遍使用,利用ICT 大數據回饋,代替報關人員依自身學習工作中對商品稅則分類經驗,來處理日常工作,本研究想探討ICT使用與工作滿意度之關聯,因為核心專業知識,可以藉由大數據回饋,除了可能降低工作量的負荷,是否也降低了個人在工作上的成就動機,或在數位化時代下,ICT取代例行性工作,而使員工專注力,可以集中在更具有變化性的工作上,進而提升其工作滿意度,同時,進一步探討以心理賦權在ICT的使用對工作滿意度之中介效果。 本研究採用紙本問卷進行調查,問卷發放202份,共回收200份,回收率 99%。經過進一步整理,最後共有 179份為有效問卷,有效問卷填寫率為 88.6%。研究結果顯示,ICT使用行為與工作滿意度有正向關聯,ICT使用行為與心理賦權有正向關聯,心理賦權與工作滿意度有正向關聯,心理賦權完全中介ICT使用行為與工作滿意度。 最後,依據研究結果,提出本研究之管理意涵、研究限制及對未來研究之建議,供後續研究相關領域者參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study has been conducted in the customs clearance departments from two international express delivery companies. These two companies have utilized the "cargo customs clearance automation" system, which is promoted by the customs, for the import customs clearance. Traditionally, Customs declaration is conducted by customs clearance professionals through their own experience in classifying commodity tariff code. But customs declaration professionals now are trying to utilize the “cargo customs clearance automation” system to help them for customs clearance now. The system is a kind of information and communication technology (ICT) which is related to the utilization of big data in cloud systems. Thus, this study wants to explore the relationship between ICT usage behavior and job satisfaction in these customs declaration professionals. Their works have been fed back by big data which is possible to reduce workers’ workload. It is possible that ICT can replaces routine work in the digital age, so that employees can focus on more variable work, and then to improve their work satisfaction. Thus, it is possible that the relationship is mediating by the psychological empowerment. This study used questionnaire survey. After sending 202 questionnaires, a total of 200 questionnaires were returned. The valid response rate was 99%. The results of the study confirm that there is a positive relationship between ICT usage behavior and Job Satisfaction. There is a positive relationship between ICT usage behavior and Psychological Empowerment as well. There is also a positive relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction. The Psychological Empowerment have mediation effect on ICT usage behavior and Job Satisfaction.en_US
DC.subjectICT usage behavioren_US
DC.subjectInformation Communication Technologiesen_US
DC.subjectPsychological Empowermenten_US
DC.subjectJob Satisfactionen_US
DC.titleThe Effect of Information Communication Technologies Usage on Employees’ Job Satisfaction-Psychological Empowerment as a Mediatoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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