博碩士論文 107729001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Yun Tuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 多元文化論述下的台灣,主流族群主導的族群政策,是針對少數族群所制定的政策,卻忽略了這之間的對話是以一個高上一等的第三者角度來看待族群關係,而族群關係的政策制定應將主流族群還原為當事人,打破結構性的歧視。臺灣客家運動受到1980年代原住民運動的啟發,1988年客家人站上街頭以「還我母語」為其訴求,後續通過了《客家基本法》與《國家語言發展法》,保障了客家族群的權益。在107通過的《客家基本法》修正案中,誕生了「國家客家發展計畫」,以期作為各級政府客家相關施政之依據,將客家事務推展至國家的層級,進行跨部會、跨政府機關單位之合作。 國家客家發展計畫異於客家委員會的施政計畫,國家客家發展計畫是以作為「各級政府」客家相關施政的依據,而客家委員會的施政計畫為其單位該年度所欲執行達到的目標,兩者有本質上的差異,視角也有所不同。國家客家發展計畫的擬訂將客家委員會的意義拓展並深化,使其不僅統籌客家族群事務,亦是橫向聯繫政府各級機關的單位。既然國家客家發展計畫異於施政計畫,就應展現其高度、深度、廣度及全面性,雖其制定需經由全國客家會議,然而在這過程中,卻無一標準的指引可作為擬定的參考依據及後續的績效檢視。為此,本研究欲建構一國家客家發展計畫之指標體系,施以政策德菲法(Policy Delphi)與網路層級分析法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),廣邀專家學者13位,進行焦點座談會及會後的意見回饋,作為修正初擬指標的依據,後續再進行網路層級分析法之問卷填答,計算分析專家偏好之權重,列出優先指標,以期作為國家客家發展計畫擬定的基礎。 關鍵字:國家客家發展計畫、族群主流化、多元文化論述、文化公民權、政策德菲法、網路層級分析法(ANP)zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract In taiwan under the multiculturalism, the ethnic policy dominated by the mainstream ethnic group is aimed at the minority ethnic group, but it ignores the fact that the dialogue between views the ethnic relations from a superior third-party perspective. The policy establishment of ethnic relations should restore the mainstream ethnic groups to parties and break the structural discrimination. Taiwan ′s Hakka movement was inspired by the aboriginal movement in the 1980s. In 1988, the Hakka people stood on the streets to appeal that returned their mother tongue. The " Hakka Basic Act " and " Development of National Languages Act " were subsequently passed to protect the rights and interests of Hakka communities. In the " Hakka Basic Act " Amendment adopted in 107, the " National Hakka Development Plan " was born. The policy establishment of ethnic relations should restore the mainstream ethnic groups to people concerned and break the structural discrimination. The National Hakka Development Plan is different from the governance plan of the Hakka Affairs Council. The National Hakka Development Plan serves as the basis for the relevant governance of the Hakka at all levels of government. The Hakka Affairs Council ′ s governance plan for its ministry to implement the objectives of the year, there are essential differences between the two, the perspective is also different. The formulation of the National Hakka Development Plan expands and deepens the significance of the Hakka Affairs Council. It not only coordinates the affairs of Hakka ethnic groups, but also is a ministry that contacts government organs at all levels. Since the National Hakka Development Plan is different from the governance plan, it should show its height, depth, breadth and comprehensiveness. Although its formulation needs to be passed through the National Hakka Conference, there is no standard guidance in this process that can be used as a reference for formulation and subsequent performance review. Therefore, this study intends to construct an index system of the National Hakka Development Plan by using Policy Delphi and Analytic Network Process ( ANP ). Invited 13 experts and scholars to conduct a focus seminar and feedback after the meeting, as the basis for revising the initial indicators. Then fill out the questionnaire of network analytic hierarchy process, calculate and analyze the weight of expert preference, and list priority indicators. It is expected to be the basis for the formulation of the National Hakka Development Plan. Keywords : National Hakka Development Plan, Ethnic Mainstreaming, Multiculturalism, Cultural Citizenship, Policy Delphi, Analytic Network Process ( ANP ), Index Constructionen_US
DC.subject政策德菲 法zh_TW
DC.subjectNational Hakka Development Planen_US
DC.subjectEthnic Mainstreamingen_US
DC.subjectCultural Citizenshipen_US
DC.subjectPolicy Delphien_US
DC.subjectAnalytic Network Process ( ANP )en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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