博碩士論文 107757015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Hai Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract唯心聖教是近年來在台灣頗為活耀且能見度頗高的新興宗教團體,主張宗教融合,以儒釋道為標竿,以復興、弘揚中華文化道統,世界和平為己任,在全國及海外華人區推廣易經卜筮、易經風水學。在台灣各地建設道場弘法講經、宗教經典修行、法會儀式,此種風水堪輿與宗教信仰的神聖療癒實踐,在新興宗教界獨樹一格,持續吸納民間信仰的族群,在宗教界享有知名度。 本研究採用「質性研究」的半結構式訪談法及參與觀察法,發現芎林地區人文、環境背景以及在地客家人既有的民間宗教信仰中龍脈發祖,在公廳、祖堂安奉龍神,宗族尋龍點穴建祖塔(大風水)祭拜祖先等風水觀念,大部分承襲民間宗教信仰及家族祭祖模式,遵從家族宗長或長輩的意見.這增加了新興宗教在客庄弘法的困難. 早期基督教視客家為福音硬土的觀念,曾經大力推動客家話宣教迷思,將隨著教育普及化大家說國語,客家話在年輕一代逐漸流失,日常社交互動,習慣說國語、閩南語,客家母語逐漸流失等等潛變,普遍以國語溝通,客家話並非弘法的障礙,反而是在地的民間信仰與客家風水觀,值得深思與融合。 本研究透過分析大凡寺在芎林弘法的情況 ,研究新興宗教在客庄傳教的利基與阻力結果發現,早期唯心聖教在客庄由於當地客家族群民間信仰傳統根深蒂固,主要吸引外地信眾.近幾年來,隨著人口往都市流動,異族通婚,不同文化相互薰染與衝擊,現代客家族群家中或公廳同時供俸祖先與神明;也有將祖先骨骸放置在靈骨塔,也有很多姓氏開放未婚女兒入祖塔等祖先崇拜的潛變,對大凡寺在客庄弘揚易經風水法則漸露契機。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWeixin Shengjiao is an emerging religious group which takes Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as its benchmark, has become quite active and highly visible in Taiwan in recent years. It advocates the integration of religions. The mission is to revive and advance of Chinese cultural orthodoxy as well as promote world peace. It propagates the Yijing divination and the Fengshui in Chinese speaking countries and overseas Chinese society. In Taiwan, it established dojos in various places for teaching religious classics and rituals. It propagates the Yi Jing divination and the Fengshui in Chinese speaking countries and overseas Chinese society. In Taiwan, Weixin Shengjiao established dojos in various places for teachings, religious classics, and rituals. Its sacred healing practice of feng shui and religious beliefs is unique within the emerging religious world. It becomes popular worldwide and attracts more and more people from folk religion. This research adopts the semi-structured interview method and participatory observation method of "qualitative research". The results indicated that it is difficult to spreading emerging religious in Qionglin because of the cultural, environmental backgrounds, and Hakka beliefs of in this area, such as the dragon vein originated, the rituals of dragon in the ancestral temple or ancestral hall, and the Fengshui concepts including the worship of the dragon god, the clan’s search for dragons, the establishment of ancestral towers (Da Feng Shui), and the worship of ancestors. Most of them inherit folk religious beliefs and family ancestor worship models, and follow the opinions of family heads or elders. Early, Christianity regarded Hakka as a hard-to-reach area of the gospel. It used to vigorously promote the myth of Hakka language missions. With the popularization of education, everyone speaks Mandarin. The Hakka language is gradually lost in the younger generation. Instead, they mainly communicate in Mandarin and Hokkien. The gradual loss of mother tongue and other potential changes, as well as the mandaring Chinese dominant communication. Hakka dialect is not an obstacle to the religious propaganda in Hakka area. On the contrary, the local folk beliefs and Hakka Fengshui are worthy of deep consideration and integration. Early, Christianity regarded Hakka as a hard-to-reach area of the gospel. It used to vigorously promote the myth of Hakka language missions. With the popularization of education, everyone speaks Mandarin. The Hakka language is gradually lost in the younger generation. Instead, they mainly communicate in Mandarin and Hokkien. The gradual loss of mother tongue and other potential changes, as well as the mandaring Chinese dominant communication. Hakka dialect is not an obstacle to the religious propaganda in Hakka area. On the contrary, the local folk beliefs and Hakka Fengshui are worthy of deep consideration and integration.en_US
DC.subjectEmerging Religionen_US
DC.subjectYi Jing Feng Shuien_US
DC.subjectDafan Templeen_US
DC.subjectHakka Villageen_US
DC.titleA explore into the Propagation of Emerging Religions in Hakka Village: A Case of Weixin shengjiao Dafan Templeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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