博碩士論文 107757020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chun Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在多元文化的衝擊、西化的影響下,台灣的社會及家庭類型起了相當大的變化,尤其是家庭內成員的組成。由從前比鄰而居的開放式大家庭,發展到小家庭如雨後春筍般出現,都拜經濟結構和生活型態的改變所賜,導致愈來愈多已婚婦女投入就業市場,形成多重的角色,自然面臨不同的壓力與挑戰。   從前認為婦女應在家相夫教子的價值觀,也隨著男女平權的議題浮現及受重視,開始進行重組。但由於華人世界中「孝道」為一鐵律,聽從長輩的話語,奉養其生活所需,都是身為父母又同時是子女的中世代壯年人所應遵循的。故即使職業婦女對外有了自己的事業及理想,對內仍需與公婆間作日常生活上的磨合,其中便包括了教養孩子的方式,也是本研究想探討的重點。家庭類型及閩客族群的差異是否會影響母親對於其孩子的教養方式?家庭成員間的關係狀態是否也是造成教養孩子方式差異的因素呢?   本研究透過訪談法,深入了解客家折衷家庭內母親的生活經驗,嫁入夫家後的過程中對她們的價值觀產生何種變化?在生兒育女後,所要面臨之教養議題,以及與夫家成員,尤其是婆婆間的關係權力消長,對他們的日常生活及教養方式上,又產生什麼價值觀上的衝擊及紛爭,抑或是磨合後的合作?並從家庭類型、閩客母親的特質、教養方式三面向作為文章脈絡進行討論。   研究發現,客家折衷家庭母親在教養方式上會受到正負兩種影響,且於教養行為及家事分工上皆有出現。對客家折衷家庭母親所造成的正向影響中,於教養行為中的層面分別為:品德價值及處罰獎勵;於家事分工中的層面分別為:帶小孩、煮三餐、固定負責之家事。另一方面,對客家折衷母親所造成的負向影響中,於教養行為內的層面分別為:人際關係、品德價值、興趣志向、行為規範及生理需求、學校學業;於家務分工中的層面則為生活作息。   此外,客家折衷家庭母親對於同住婆婆教養方式異同之因應策略,可分為和諧共處中認同及尊重、不認同但予以尊重的態度;及摩擦衝突中不認同且嘗試溝通的作法。   最後,客家折衷家庭的客籍母親教養方式的特色為「勤儉、刻苦耐勞、負責任」、以及「疼愛孩子」、重視「男性權威」;閩籍母親教養方式的特色則為「自由發展」及「抱持尊重」、有「體罰」的現象。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder the impact of multiculturalism and westernization, there have been considerable changes in the social and family types in Taiwan, especially the composition of the family members. From an open family that used to live next to each other to a small family that has sprung up, all thanks to the changes in economic structure and lifestyle. As a result, more and more married women are entering the job market, forming multiple roles, and naturally facing different pressures and challenges.   The values of the women should be a household have begun to be reorganized, when the issue of the gender equality are rising and concerned. Due to the iron rule about "filial piety" in Mandarin, middle-aged people as both children’s parents and parents children have to respect the elderly and support their daily needs. Even if career women have the ambitions and ideals in their own careers, they still need to get well along with parents-in-law every day at home; therefore, our study also focuses on the way of children parenting. Will family types and differences between Minnan and Hakka group affect the parenting style of mothers?Whether the relationship status between family members are the factors that cause the differences in the way of teaching children?   Through the in-depth interview, this study will learn more about the life experience of mothers in Hakka stem families, and how their values has changed after married. After having children, they will face education issues and the power of the relationship between family members, especially the members of mother-in-law. Also, they face the impact and disputes of values including parenting issues and the power of relationship with family members, especially the mother-in-law. They have to deal with the cooperation after adjustment period. Discussing from these three aspects of family types, the characteristics of the mother of Minnan and Hakka group and the parenting styles as the context of the article.   The research finds that the impact has been seen in the parenting behavior and domestic division of labor which Hakka stem family mothers are affected by both positive and negative parenting styles. There are positive effects on Hakka stem family mothers that be seen in levels of parenting behavior, including moral character, values, penalty and reward; And also appear in levels of domestic division of labor, including taking care of children, cooking and fixed housework. On the other side, there are negative effects on Hakka stem family mothers that be seen in levels of parenting behavior, including interpersonal relations, moral character, values, interest, aspiration, code of conduct, physiological needs and academic curriculum; And also appear in levels of daily routine.   In addition, the strategies that the Hakka stem family mothers cope the differences and similarities with mother-in-law can be divided into attitudes of recognition and respect, disapproval but respect among harmonious coexistence. Try to communicate among friction and conflict with an attitude of disapproval.   At last, the characteristics of parenting styles of Hakka mothers in Hakka stem family are" diligent, hardworking, responsible, children loving" and pay attention to male authority. The parenting style of Minnan mothers are " free development, respectful attitude and corporal punishment".en_US
DC.subjectstem familyen_US
DC.subjectMinnan and Hakkaen_US
DC.subjectparenting stylesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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