博碩士論文 107757024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYU-JEN PUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以長汀縣城關客家話的音韻研究為主要內容。長汀縣位於福建省西部,建城於唐開元二十四年(736),自古即閩西政經、文化中心,號稱八閩客家首府。客家母親河汀江流淌境內,武夷山南段綿亙西邊與贛南接壤,與連城同屬閩西中片區,語音兼具閩西客語南、北片成分,而詞彙頗具北片客方言的特徵。長汀雖為純客縣,但底層語與古江東漢語、壯侗苗瑤畲語族有密切相關,與贛南方言也有接觸。 本論文分為六章,第一章緒論,說明研究長汀縣城關客家話的動機與目的,運用的研究方法與步驟,相關文獻的探討與回顧,以及長汀縣史地背景與語言概況的描述。第二章是長汀縣城關客家話的語音系統,分為聲、韻、調系統,連續變調以及文白異讀等部分來探討其語音特色。第三章是長汀縣城關客家話與中古音韻之比較,藉由長汀縣城關客家話與中古音韻的比較觀察其對應關係,以及探討其古今音韻演變的過程和方向。第四章是長汀縣城關客家話的語音特點,亦即梳理、彙整和歸納第三章聲、韻、調語音特點,並與其他方言或底層語比較,總結出長汀縣城關客家話的語音演變機制和音韻特色。因此,發現長汀縣城關客家話知三章組聲母前化讀舌尖後音t、t、 及山攝部分字讀合口鼻化韻u為其最大的音韻特點,前一項表示長汀縣城關客家話聲母演變劇烈,後一項表示長汀縣城關客家話擁有最不容易鼻化的合口鼻化韻。第五章是討論長汀縣城關客家話的詞彙及其特點,比較長汀與周遭臨縣寧化、清流、連城、武平、上杭、永定與贛南瑞金,以及梅縣等詞彙的異同,同時也適時與贛方言、甚至本文研究者的母語(台灣四縣客家話)做比較,以及觀察底層詞保留的情況,藉以觀察並歸納出其詞彙保留有:古漢語詞和南方少數民族語關係詞,並具有客家方言北片特徵詞彙特色,同時也發展了本地特殊詞彙,以及名詞後綴「哩、子」的詞彙特色。第六章結論,總結長汀縣城關客家話的語音特點和詞彙特色,檢討本文研究不足之處,提出未來的研究建議與方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe theme of this research focuses on the phonology of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country of Fujian Province. Changting Country is located in the west area of Fujian Province. The city wall was built in the 24th year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty(AD 736). It was an economic, political, and cultural center of the west area of Fujian(閩西), and also the Hakka capital city of the Fujian at that time. The mother river, Ting River, runs through Fujian. The southern part of Wuyi Mountain stretches to the west side and is bound by Gannan area. This area belongs to the central west area of Fujian, the same as the Liancheng area. The phonics contains the features of Hakka from the southern and northern west area of Fujian, and the words contain obvious features from dialects of northern west area of Fujian. Even though Changting is a Hakka country, the underlying words are highly related to Old Jiangdong Chinese, Hmong–Mien, Kra–Dai, and She languages; it also has connection with Gannan dialects. There are six chapters in this research. The first chapter, introduction explains and studies the motivation and purpose of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country of Fujian Province, used research methods and steps, investigation and review of related literature, and the description about the historical and geographical background of Changting Country and overviews of the languages there. The second chapter is about phonetic system of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country. The features of the phonics are discussed based on the systems of initials, finals, and tones, continuous tone sandhi, literary and colloquial readings of Chinese characters. The third chapter is about the comparison between Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country and ancient phonology. The corresponding relation between Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country and ancient phonology can be observed through their comparison, and the evolution process and directions of ancient and current phonology are investigated and discussed at the same time. The fourth chapter is about the characteristics of the phonics of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country which means that the readers can see the inductions, collections, and the organizations of the sound features about initials, finals, and tones in the third chapter and the comparison with other dialects and underlying languages. These processes lead to the mechanism of phonics evolution and the characteristics of phonology of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country. It is found that that the most apparent points of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country are the position of tongue goes to the front while pronouncing post-apical t、t、, pronouncing nasal rhythm, u when reading Shan She words. The former pronouncing way shows the rapid changes of initials; while the latter one shows the nasalization of u rhythm. However, u rhythm is actually the hardest one that can be nasalized. The fifth chapter contains the discussion about words and points of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country, the comparison about the words used in Changting and the countries surrounded, such as Ninghua, Qingliu, Liancheng, Wuping, Shanghang, Yongding, Ruijin, Gannan, and Meixian, etc. This chapter also talks about the differentiation between dialects from the Gan area and even the mother tongue of the author(Sixian dialects of Taiwan). It also shows the observation about the reservation of underlying languages. From the observation, the reserved words can be inducted and listed as below,ancient Chinese words and relative words of ethnologies from ethnic minorities in the southern area. These words also preserve the features from Hakka dialects of the northern area. Local unique words and the suffixes of the nouns also grew well, such as “Li” and "Zi”. The content of the sixth chapter will be the conclusion. The conclusion presents the characteristics of the phonics and the words of Chengguan Hakka in Changting Country, the points without enough discussion, and the proposed suggestions and directions for future research.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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