博碩士論文 107757027 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的旨在了解在偏鄉客庄學童社會資本與學習現況,並探討社會資本對學童學習的影響。以桃園市觀音區偏鄉一所客庄國小為研究對象進行個案研究,主要以半結構式訪談進行質性研究,邀請校方行政教師、級任教師、家長和學生分別進行訪談,並輔以自編之「偏鄉客庄學童學習與生活狀態調查問卷」為研究工具,對全校45位學童進行問卷調查,共回收45份問卷。再將訪談內容與量化數據進行資料分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、偏鄉客庄學童學習態度較為消極,學習成就普遍不高:由於偏鄉文化刺激不足,同儕間缺乏競爭力,學童學習動機薄弱;以及偏鄉學童少有良好的學習習慣,未具備該年段應有的學習能力。 二、偏鄉客庄學校社會資本表現頗佳,有助於學童的學習表現:至於偏鄉教師專注於學童學習需求,師生關係佳,益於導正學童學習態度;加上偏鄉學校提供學童豐富多元的社會資源,補足學童學習階段的需求。 三、偏鄉客庄家庭社會資本較為不足,影響學童學習表現頗深:偏鄉家長較少陪伴孩子學習,學童難以延續在校時的學習狀態;此外,偏鄉家長期許孩子學習表現佳,但並未確實發揮家庭教養功能。 四、偏鄉客庄家庭社會資本較弱,學校和社會資源提供積極協助與補充功能。 最後根據上述研究結論,對偏鄉學校、老師、家長和學生提出具體建議,也供相關教育單位參考,期各界正視偏鄉教育問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to understand the social capital and learning status of the students in rural Hakka villages, and to explore the impact of social capital on their learning. A case study of an Elementary School in rural Hakka villages in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City was adopted as the research method. Semi-structured interviews were used to conduct qualitative research. School administrative teachers, home room teachers, parents and students were invited to receive respectively. Besides, the self-compiled questionnaire about “the Learning and Living Status of the Students in Rural Hakka Villages in Remote Areas” is also a research tool. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 45 students in the school, and these 45 questionnaires were collected. Then, the researcher analyzed the qualitative data from the interviews and the quantitative data from the questionnaires. The main research results are as follows: 1.The students in rural Hakka villages have relatively negative learning attitudes, and their learning achievements are generally not high. (1)Due to insufficient cultural stimulation in rural areas, and a lack of competitiveness among the peers, the students have weak learning motivation. (2)The students in rural areas rarely have good study habits, so they do not have the same learning abilities as their counterparts. 2.The social capital of schools in rural Hakka villages is quite adequate, which helps students’ learning performance. (1)The teachers in rural areas focus on the learning needs of their students, and the relationship between teachers and students is good, which is helpful to correct the learning attitude of these students. (2)The rural schools provide their students with rich and diverse social resources to satisfy the needs of the students at their learning stage. 3.The social capital of families in rural Hakka villages is relatively insufficient, which greatly affects the learning performance of children. (1)The parents in rural areas seldom accompany their children when they study, so it is difficult for the children to learn at home like what they do at school. (2)The parents in rural areas have expected their children to perform well in learning, but they do not really play a good role in family education. 4.The social capital of families in rural Hakka villages is relatively weak, but schools and social resources provide active assistance and have supplementary functions in children learning. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, specific suggestions are made for rural schools, teachers, parents, and students, as well as related educational institutions, so that the world will face up to the problems of rural education.en_US
DC.titleA Study on the Social Capital and Learning Status of Children in Hakka Villages in Remote Areas─A Case Study of an Elementary School in Guanyin District, Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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