博碩士論文 108127006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Yu Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討論證式筆記教學方法應用在高中生多文本閱讀理解之過程與表現的效用。論證式筆記策略主要是讓學生建構以及視覺化多篇文本中的關聯性,以清楚看見不同文本中的相關訊息。本研究探討建立資訊連結的過程與學生的多文本為基論證寫作成果之間的關係。此外,本研究也探討知識信念與論證寫作之關係。本研究亦透過訪談,蒐集學生對此教學方法的感受,以瞭解此教學方式帶來的益處與學生在多文本整合中遇到的問題。 本研究的結果顯示,資訊關聯性建構的品質對多文本為基寫作表現有正向的影響,而資訊關聯性建構的數量則有負向影響。針對知識信念與多文本為基論證寫作表現之關係,本研究結果顯示,若學生愈相信「知識是簡單的」,則其在寫作任務中的整合表現及證據使用表現有較差的表現,而若學生愈相信「知識是複雜的」,則在多文本寫作任務中有較好的表現。針對知識確定性信念與寫作表現之間的關係,若學生愈相信「知識是不可變動的」,其較能在寫作任務中達到好的整合表現;相信「知識是可變動的、暫時的」的學生則呈現較差的整合表現,而學生的知識確定性信念與證據使用表現則無相關。最後,學生在訪談中對本研究之多文本課程與論證式筆記策略皆表示正面態度。訪談結果亦顯示,即便在教學下,學生仍然會在多文本整合中遇到各種困難。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe present study aims to examine the effect of an instruction method, argumentative note-taking strategy, in high school students’ process and performances of multiple texts integration. The gist of such strategy is to ask students to construct information connections among multiple sources, in order to visualize the relations of arguments of different texts. The present study examine how the process of information connection formation affects students’ multiple-texts-based argumentative writing performances. Additionally, the present study also investigate the relation of epistemic beliefs and multiple-texts-based argumentative writing performances. Students’ perspectives concerning the whole instruction is also analyzed through interview, in an attempt to understand the benefits of the instruction and the difficulties students encountered in the process of multiple texts integration. The results showed that the quality, rather than the quantity of information connection formation had a positive relation with students’ argumentative writing performances. In terms of the relation between epistemic beliefs and multiple-texts-based argumentative writing performances, the results showed that the belief of simplicity of knowledge had a moderate negative relation with both the quality of integration and evidence use, while the belief concerning certainty of knowledge has moderate positive relation with quality of integration and showed no correlation with evidence use in the performance of the assigned writing task. Finally, students’ responses in the interview showed positive attitude toward the multiple text instruction and the argumentative note-taking strategy. The interview also showed that under the instruction, students still encountered with various difficulties during the complex process of multiple text integration.en_US
DC.subjectmultiple textsen_US
DC.subjectargumentative note-taking strategyen_US
DC.subjectargumentative writingen_US
DC.subjectepistemic beliefsen_US
DC.titleThe process of integrating information from multiple texts: Exploring the relations between high school students’ epistemic beliefs and their use of note-taking scaffoldsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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