博碩士論文 108155017 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorChing-Yuan Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究以明末清初才女季嫻為中心,爬梳其家世背景及交遊閱歷,以探討閨秀詩人季嫻的文學養成環境、淮南兩大文學世家的聯姻及其衍生的姻親網絡。其次嘗試解析季嫻的思想內涵及文學創作,以期對知識女性於明清易代之際的心態和處境,有深入而具體的認識。 明清鼎革之際,興化李氏家族多選擇隱居鄉里,不仕新朝,造就了一龐大的「遺民」群體,而身處其中的季嫻,仍與原生家庭泰興季氏成員保持密切的情誼。季嫻滿足於山野村居的遺民生活,與李氏族親迭有唱和往來。然而在目睹季氏二子相繼出仕,身居言路,如履薄冰的境遇之後,她仍支持兒子仕進為官,除了為延續李氏簪纓門第之外,也反映閨秀才媛對士大夫階層志在經世濟民的認同和實踐,亦為知識女性追尋自我實現的心理投射。 季嫻承襲了李氏家族豐厚的文學資源,賦詩追求「漢魏盛唐」的復古派詩學理想;為文深受儒、釋、道三教融合風氣影響,且獨好莊周之論;輯詩則基於詩歌本質的純粹之美,不受流派、地域、階級所囿。於才媛輩出的明清之際,季嫻或非出類拔萃,然獨具芳華。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study focuses on Ji Xian, a talented woman writer from the late Ming and early Qing periods. By tracing her family background and social connections, it explores the literary environment that nurtured the cultured poetess Ji Xian, the marriage alliance between the two major literary families of Huainan(淮南)area, and the extended kinship network that emerged from this union. Furthermore, it attempts to analyze Ji Xian′s ideological beliefs and literary creations to gain an in-depth and concrete understanding of the mindset and circumstances of educated women during the Ming-Qing transition. During the dynastic change from Ming to Qing, many members of the Xinghua(興化)county Li clan chose to live in seclusion in the countryside, refusing to serve the new dynasty, resulting in a large group of "the Ming loyalists." Ji Xian, who was part of this group, maintained close ties with her natal Taixing(泰興)county Ji family. She was content with the reclusive life in the rural villages and frequently exchanged poems with her Li clan relatives. However, after witnessing her two Ji brothers successively entering official service, treading a precarious path, she still supported her son’s pursuit of officialdom. This not only reflected her desire to continue the Li family′s tradition of scholars and officials but also demonstrated the educated women′s identification with and realization of the scholar-official class′s aspiration to govern and assist the people. It was also a projection of educated women′s pursuit of self-actualization. Ji Xian inherited the rich literary resources of the Li family and pursued the classical poetic ideals of the "Han, Wei, and Prosperous Tang" eras in her poetry composition. Her writings were deeply influenced by the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and she particularly favored the teachings of Zhuangzi. In compiling the poetry collection of female writers, she focused on the pure aesthetic beauty of poetry itself, transcending the boundaries of literary schools, regions, and social classes. Although she may not have been an exceptional talent among many talented female writers during the Ming-Qing transition, Ji Xian possessed a unique charm as a poetess.en_US
DC.subjectJi Xianen_US
DC.subjectMing-Qing transitionen_US
DC.subjectHuainan literary familyen_US
DC.subjectthe Ming loyalistsen_US
DC.subjecttalented femalesen_US
DC.subjectthe sense of identityen_US
DC.subjectthe Fugu Schoolen_US
DC.subjectthe merger of three religionsen_US
DC.titleA Study on Ji Xian, a Female Poet of the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynastiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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