博碩士論文 108222021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-Yang Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract竹子是一個方便取得且成本低廉的材料,其晶格組成方式為(C6H12O5)n之網狀結構,所以擁有非常堅固的特性。竹子的維管束孔洞可以用來容納氯化鈉水溶液、金屬奈米顆粒嵌入。 本實驗將竹片分成外層A、內層B兩系列進行比較,藉由X光繞射分析得知竹片在浸泡過NaCl飽合溶液及金屬奈米顆粒後,由X光繞射峰強度也可以推算出各項金屬有摻入數量的差異。為了避免是表面殘留的金屬所產生的繞射峰,將竹片沿維管束方向縱切掃描切面,得證在竹片內部確實有嵌入NaCl及金屬。最後測量由濕潤至乾燥的X光繞射圖,結果顯示出NaCl繞射峰有增強便可證實是Na+、Cl-協助導電。 A系列的樣品中對乾燥的樣品施加10 V的外加電壓測量其電流值,計算出電導率在乾燥情況下各樣品最大值僅有乾燥竹片之7.5倍;在濕潤情況下電導率之提升可達到3910倍。在正負極兩端加入溫差後,能夠觀察到電流量有顯著的提升,最高可以比原始電流提高1.96倍。 B系列的樣品中僅測量濕潤樣品做比較,電導率可達到乾燥竹片的7168倍;加入溫差後電流量提升至1.16倍。為了確定表面電流是否有影響,本實驗將竹片切成三等份再取其中兩片並聯做電流測試,顯示出並聯後的電流量約為原始樣品的2倍。最後計算出B系列樣品之ZT值會落在10-7,從一系列之實驗得知此樣品需加強的部分為電導率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBamboo is a convenient and low-cost material. Its lattice structure is (C6H12O5)n network, so it has very strong characteristics. The vascular bundles can be used to accommodate sodium chloride solutions and metal nanoparticles. In this experiment, the bamboo slices are divided into two series of outer A and inner B. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, the intensity of the X-ray diffraction peak can be inferred that there are differences amount of various metals incorporated. The bamboo slice was cut along the vascular bundle to scan the section to prove that NaCl and metal are indeed embedded in the bamboo slices. Finally, the X-ray diffraction pattern from wet to dry is measured, and the result shows that the diffraction peak of NaCl is enhanced, and it can be confirmed that Na+ and Cl- assist the conduction. In the A series of samples, applied voltage of 10 V to the dried samples to measure the current value, and it is calculated that the maximum conductivity of each sample under dry conditions is only 7.5 times of dry bamboo. Under wet conditions, the conductivity can be increased to 3910 times. After adding a temperature difference between the positive and negative poles, the current can be enhanced to 1.96 times higher than the original current. In B series, only wet samples are measured, and the conductivity can reach 7168 times of that of dry bamboo. The current is increased to 1.16 times after the temperature difference is added. Cut the bamboo slice into three parts and then took two of them in parallel for current testing, which showed that the current after paralleling was about twice that of the original sample. Finally, it is calculated that the ZT value of the B series samples about 10-7. From series of experiments, it is known that needs to be strengthened is the conductivity.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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