博碩士論文 108223020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhen-Ming Luoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract錫鈣鈦礦太陽能電池(Tin Perovskite solar cells, TPSC)由於其吸收層的毒性低、能隙小(Eg  1.41 eV)與吸收係數高等優點,且光伏表現佳而受重視。然而,錫鈣鈦礦(Tin Perovskite, T-Psk)層中的Sn2+容易與空氣中的水氣及氧氣反應氧化成Sn4+,且T-Psk膜的結晶速度快,不易形成緻密的膜,導致所組裝之元件的效率及長時間穩定性差。本研究探討於FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3前驅溶液中添加三種弱酸性離子性富勒烯衍生物C60-(RT2+)6(12X-) (X = Cl, Br, I) (簡稱6-X (X = Cl, Br, I))製備體異質介面的T-Psk膜(稱為6-X@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜),其中以6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜作為吸收層所組裝之元件的光電轉換效率達10.09%比以FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜作為吸收層所組裝之元件的光電轉換效率(8.21%)高約20%。在未封裝的條件下,以6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜作為吸收層的TPSC元件放置在手套箱中2520小時後光電轉換效率仍可維持原來效率的84%;而以FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜作為吸收層的TPSC元件之光電轉換效率僅剩原來效率的53%。添加6-Br可填補T-Psk膜的晶界,且有部份的Br-進入T-Psk膜的晶格中調整T-Psk層的前置軌域能階,減少載子傳遞至載子傳遞層所造成的能量損失,使所組裝之元件的Voc值由0.59 V增加至0.62 V。此外,添加6-Br也能延緩T-Psk膜的結晶速度,使所製備之T-Psk膜的顆粒大、平整、緻密且結晶度高。而添加6-Br可增加T-Psk前驅溶液的酸性,因此T-Psk前驅溶液中的Sn2+不易氧化成Sn4+,故6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜的Sn2+/Sn4+比例比FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3膜高。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTin Perovskite solar cells (TPSC) are the topic under extensive studies due to the absorber has low toxicity, small energy gap (Eg  1.41 eV) and high absorption coefficient as well as the cell has good photovoltaic performance. However, Sn2+ in the Tin Perovskite (T-Psk) easily reacts with moisture and oxygen in the air to be oxidized to Sn4+ easily as well as the crystallization rate of the T-Psk film is very fast thus it is difficult to form a dense and smooth T-Psk film, resulting in poor efficiency and long-term stability of the device. This study explores the effect of adding three weakly acidic ionic fullerene derivatives C60-(RT2+)6(12X-) (X = Cl, Br, I) (named 6-X (X = Cl, Br, I)) in T-Psk to prepare bulk-heterojunction film (named 6-X@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film). The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the cell based on 6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film achieves the highest of 10.09% which is about 20% higher than the that (8.21%) of the device using FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film as the absorption layer. Without encapsulation, TPSC with 6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 as the absorber maintains 84% of the initial efficiency when it was placed in the glove box for 2520 hours. While the PCE of the TPSC with FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 absorber lost 47% of the original efficiency. 6-Br can fill the grain boundaries of the T-Psk film, and some Br- ions can enter the lattice of the T-Psk film to adjust to energy level to reduce the energy loss caused by the transfer of carriers to the carrier transport layer. As a result the Voc of the device increased from 0.59 V to 0.62 V. In addition, the addition of 6-Br can also slow the crystallization of the T-Psk film, so that 6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film has large grain size, flat, dense and high crystallinity. 6-Br can also increase the acidity of the T-Psk precursor solution to stabilize Sn2+. Therefore, the Sn2+/Sn4+ ratio of the 6-Br@FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film is higher than that of FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 film.en_US
DC.titleIonic Fullerene Derivatives for High Performance Bulk Heterojunction Tin Perovskite Solar Cellen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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