博碩士論文 108223055 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFung-Yu Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文分為兩個部分,第一部分著重於分子設計與其特別之處, 並透過實驗探討分子的光學性質與其結構上的關聯性。分子依照結構 歸納成三個系列,它們分別為 NR 3 型式並含有三氮唑吡啶 (triazolopyridine)或苯並噻唑(benzothiazole)基團的三叉分子,結構上分為對稱與非對稱兩種類別。第二系列為以噻唑-三氮唑吡啶 (thiophene-triazolopyridine)為核心,改變不同推電子基或取代基位向的條形分子。第三系列則是在三氮唑吡啶(triazolopyridine)與推電子基間橋接有不同 π -電子橋梁的條形分子。光學性質測量包括線性光學與非線性光學性質兩部分的實驗。線性光學性質量測模型分子的吸收光譜、螢光光譜、螢光量子產率及螢光生命週期;非線性光學相關的實驗則有雙光子與三光子吸收光譜、能量依賴性兩種類別。經過實驗後探討光學性質差異與分子結構的關聯性,可以歸納出下列幾個結論: [1] 對具有 NR 3 型式的三叉分子而言,無論其分子結構是否對稱,其 雙、三光子最大吸收截面值相等但不對稱型分子的雙、三光子吸收帶 會 略 為 紅 移 。 苯 並 噻 唑 (benzothiazole) 相 較 於 三 氮 唑 吡 啶(triazolopyridine)對於提升雙、三光子吸收效率之效果更好。 [2] 於 π -共軛鏈中加入碳-碳三鍵能顯著提升雙、三光子吸收效率,但對於三光子吸收,甲氧基可能會降低三光子吸收的效率,可能表示影響雙、三光子吸收材料的分子設計法則不盡相同。 [3] 條形分子的 π -共軛長度以碳-碳雙鍵、噻吩(thiophene)、芴(fluorene)延伸能提升雙、三光子吸收效率。其中在分子的雙光子吸收表現上,芴(fluorene)在短波長區域更能增強雙光子吸收效率,而噻吩 (thiophene)則是對於在長波長區域的雙光子吸收效率增幅較顯著。至 於對分子的三光子吸收效率上,則是噻吩(thiophene)在全波長區域對 提升三光子吸收的表現皆略高於芴(fluorene)的表現。 本論文第二部分則是與工研院合作開發應用於鋰電池電解質之 壓克力單體。由於鋰電池現今常使用的液態電解質存在漏液、燃燒的 風險,因此可透過單體的添加形成固態電解質來解決上述問題,但同 時也會有阻抗上升與離子導電度下降的副作用。我們的目標是開發出 具液態電解質同等或更優良的電性表現的固態電解質。目前已開發出 單體 ECMA,在適量的 ECMA 添加進交聯劑 THEA、GIA 後,皆能 改善單純交聯劑聚合後製成鈕扣電池較嚴重的極化現象。甚至由 ECMA 與交聯劑 THEA 做成 1Ah 軟包電池在與只有商用電解液 352 的對照組相比之下,無論能量密度、不可逆性或是 0.2C 放電電容上 都相當,唯阻抗較大。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis includes two parts. The first part is about molecular design, synthesis and characterizations of model compounds. The studied model molecules can be categorized into three series. The first series of model compounds is composed of symmetric and unsymmetric three-branched structures, which uses triazolopyridine and benzothiazole as electron-withdrawing groups and a central nitrogen atom as the electron-donor. The second series of model compounds utilizes thiophene-triazolopyridine as the central core and end-capped with various electron-donating groups to form linear type structures. The third series of model chromophores possess unsymmetric structures using functionalized fluorene, thiophene and triazolopyridine as the constructing units. Various experiments that measure linear and nonlinear optical properties were performed including linear absorption spectra, linear emission spectra, quantum yields, lifetime, multiphoton absorption spectra and power-dependence measurements. Three features based on the relationship between measured optical properties and molecular structure can be concluded: [1] For three branched model molecules, the multiphoton absorption efficiency doesn’t show any dependence on the molecular symmetry, but the band position is slightly red-shifted for the asymmetric model compounds. As a structural unit, benzothiazole has a better enhancement on the multiphoton absorption efficiency compared to triazolopyridine. [2] Both the addition of methoxy groups on the electron-donor sites and the insertion of carbon-carbon triple bond into the π-framework will promote molecular two-photon efficiencies of linear type model compounds. But for the enhancement of three-photon efficiency, only the later exhibits positive impact. This feature indicates that the structure requirements for the promotion of molecular two-photon and three-photon efficiencies may be different. [3] For linear model compounds, multiphoton absorption efficiency can be promoted by extending π-conjugation length through the insertion of thiophene, fluorene and carbon-carbon double bond. In two-photon absorption, fluorene unit possesses larger positive impact within shorter wavelength region while thiophene unit can promote two-photon efficiency at longer wavelength region. For three-photon efficiency, thiophene manifests greater overall enhancement at all wavelength compared to fluorene unit. The second part of this thesis is the development of monomer which can be used in lithium batteries. This research project is supported by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI, Taiwan). Liquid electrolyte nowadays used in lithium batteries has the risk of leakage and combustion. Our goal of this collaborating project is to replace liquid electrolyte with solid electrolyte which has lesser safety concern but with the similar or better battery performance. Currently we has developed monomer ECMA. Proper amount of ECMA mixed with crosslinking agent THEA or GIA can reduced polarization when made into coin cell. When ECMA and THEA is made into 1Ah pouch cell, the performance of energy density, irreversibility and 0.2C discharging capacitance are matched with the performance of the cell only contains commercial liquid electrolyte 352.en_US
DC.subjectmultiphoton materialsen_US
DC.title新型含雜環多光子材料之光學性質探討與 開發應用於鋰電池電解液中之單體材料zh_TW
DC.titleDevelopment of new heterocyclic multiphoton materials and monomers used in lithium batteriesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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