dc.description.abstract | This research summarizes the classification of contact morphology in related papers on the contact judgment of tetrahedral elements in the past, and added new judgment methods for face-to-face judgment and edge-to-face judgment. The entire judgment process is drawn as a tree diagram, so that people can clearly see the judgment process and know The branch results that can be reached by different judgment processes. In this study, the simulation program was written in C++ programming language, and the program structure was established by the design method of object-oriented program, to clarify the relationship between the various types of objects in the program, and to increase the convenience for subsequent program expansion and modification. This structure can become the program infrastructure for subsequent contact judgments of discrete elements.
In this paper, the contact and collision judgment between multiple polyhedrons is to discretize the polyhedron into tetrahedral elements. The contact judgment of two polyhedrons can be regarded as the contact judgment between two groups of tetrahedral element groups. In the tetrahedral element group, only the vertices, edges, and faces on the outer surface need to be judged by contact. Therefore, after filtering, the inscribed faces inside the polyhedron are excluded from the judgment process, simplifying the calculation process.
The contact between tetrahedral elements can be divided into six categories, vertex-to-face, vertex-to-edge, vertex-to-vertex, edge-to-face, edge-to-edge and face-to-face, and these categories can be divided into general cases and special cases. Two types, the general cases refer to more frequently occurring cases in natural collision, there are two cases of vertex-to-face and edge-to-edge, and thess cases are also basic judgments of the contact judgment theory in this research. Other special contact cases are only after special conditions are met. | en_US |