博碩士論文 108326002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Ning Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臭氧(O3) 具強氧化能力和無殘留污染特性,近年來在科學技術和日常生活的許多領域中也被廣泛應用,包括化學合成、半導體表面處理、水消毒、食品加工和醫療等。然現今市售臭氧機價格依然偏高,耗能也大,此為瓶頸所在。二氧化鈦 (TiO2) 作為光觸媒時,僅吸收紫外光,目前已採用幾種方法來將TiO2吸收光譜擴展到可見光範圍,例如在氫氣氣氛下以高溫高壓下改質,然而,眾所周知,使用氫氣並不安全,需要特殊設備做維護。本研究發展以氮氣改質黑色的TiO2 (TiO2-B),此與在氫氣氣氛下製備的black-TiO2有相同的性能。改質後的二氧化鈦(N-TiO2-B)用於結合電漿系統進行臭氧合成,藉由觸媒參數機制及反應器設計開發新穎之高能效臭氧生成反應器。研究結果顯示填充N-TiO2-B有最高之臭氧產率53.9 gO3/m3能效高達509 gO3/kWh,與未改質前相比提升約12%,且有良好穩定度。使用管狀反應管相比填充床反應管有較小的放電間隙,且設備較簡易,本研究發展以第一階段改質之N-TiO2-B光觸媒塗佈在管狀反應器,其最佳能效為346 g/kWh,雖不及第一階段之能效,但仍優於大部分研究,因此將觸媒塗佈於管狀反應管進行放電可有效提升電漿觸媒系統之效能,以優化臭氧生成反應器。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith a strong oxidizing capability, ozone (O3) is a non-residual decontamination agent. In recent years, ozone has been widely used in many areas such as chemical synthesis, semiconductor surface treatment, water disinfection, food processing and medical treatment. However, ozone generators on the market are expensive and require a lot of energy to operate, which is the bottleneck for the wide application. TiO2 is a multifunctional material with various applications such as solar cells and pollutant removal. However, due to its large energy gap (3.0-3.2 eV), TiO2 can only absorb ultraviolet light, resulting in low photocatalytic efficiency. Several methods have been used to extend the absorption spectrum of TiO2 to the range of visible light, such as thermal treatment under a hydrogen atmosphere. However, it is well known that working with hydrogen is dangerous and requires special maintenance. In this study, we prepared N-TiO2-B by calcining UR-LTiO2 at 550°C under a nitrogen atmosphere, which has the same properties as black-TiO2 prepared under hydrogen atmosphere. N-TiO2-B prepared is used for ozone synthesis in combination with a plasma system to develop a novel and energy efficient ozone generation reactor by means of optimizing catalyst parameter and reactor design. The results show that N-TiO2-B as a catalyst has the highest ozone yield of 53.9 gO3/m3 with an energy efficiency of 509.32 gO3/kWh, which is about 12% higher than that before the nitrogen treatment and has a good stability. In this study, the best energy efficiency of 346 g/kWh is achieved by coating N-TiO2-B photocatalyst in the cylinder reactor, which was not as good as the packed-bed reactor energy efficiency, but still better than most studies. Therefore, this catalyst can effectively improve the performance of the plasma to enhance the ozone generation rate.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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