博碩士論文 108356001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract半導體產業在製造過程必需使用大量揮發性有機化合物(VOCs),這些VOCs因為逸散或是經由排放管道進入大氣環境中,對於生活環境或空氣品質都會造成相當大的負荷。本文報導以「活性碳雙流體化床吸/脫附系統」來處理半導體廠VOCs排氣改善工程成果,這個系統具有均勻的活性碳床層溫度,傳質高、傳熱快等優點,操作過程活性碳顆粒以流體化狀態與VOCs分子均勻接觸,再藉由吸附和脫附再生過程去除活性碳顆粒吸附的VOCs,因此,除了降低污染外,本系統還有活性碳可循環再利用的優點。 本改善工程是案例廠期望在不影響產品製造下,排除先前處理系統所遭遇到的溫度、風量及堵塞三項問題。本文藉由施工改善過程的紀錄,分析各項數據所顯示的意義及成果,同時比較改善工程施工前、後所達成的經濟效益。 改善工程新增的設備提高了系統中兩組熱交換器的熱回收效能,並排除了設備塔槽內部二氧化矽結晶堵塞的問題。整體系統操作運轉所消耗電量由每小時約135 kw下降至每小時約110 Kw左右,估算改善後平均電費每日可減少約新台幣1,900元,預估一年可節省電費約新台幣六十九萬餘元。另外,也因有良好脫附再生程序,活性碳堆積密度經測量有明顯下降,達到與新碳規格相當的62 g/100 ml,這可使活性碳維持高吸附容量,確保整體系統去除VOCs效率能夠符合法規要求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) are largely consumed in the manufacturing process of semiconductor industry. These VOCs will make a great burden to living environment or air quality once they escape or are discharged from exhaust pipes into the atmosphere. This study reports results of engineering improvement on exhaust from a semiconductor factory using a dual-fluidized bed system with adsorbed/desorbed activated carbon. The system has the advantages of uniform bed temperature of activated carbon, high mass transfer, and fast heat transfer. During operation, the fluidized activated carbon beads contact VOCs molecules uniformly. The VOCs were adsorbed by activated carbon beads and desorbed through regeneration process. Consequently, in addition to reduce pollution, the system has a merit of recycling and reusing the activated carbon beads. The engineering improvement was originated from the expections of the studied factory, without influencing product manufacturing, on eliminating three problems encountered in temperature, air volume, and blockage of the previous exhaust treatment system. This study analyzed the implications and results from various data recored from engineering improvement processes and the resulted economic benefits through the comparison of the engineering work before and after. The newly added equipment boosts the heat recovery efficiency of the two heat exchangers in the system and eliminates the blockage problem of silicon dioxide crystal in the tower tank of the equipment. The operating power consumption of the whole system is reduced approximately from 135 kw per hour to 110 kw per hour. The average electricity bill is estimated to reduce by about NT$1,900 per day and will be saved by about NT$690,000 a year. In addition, the measured bulk density of activated carbon was significantly decreased to reach 62 g/100 ml, which was equivalent to the new carbon specification due to good desorption and regeneration processes. This will maintain high adsorption capacity of activated carbon and ensure the efficicacy of the overall system in removing VOCs for meeting regulation requirements.en_US
DC.titleEngineering improvement on exhaust treatment from a semiconductor factory using a fluidized bed with adsorbed/desorbed activated carbonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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