博碩士論文 108356020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-Yu Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract橡膠製品在日常生活中應用廣泛,是現代生活中不可缺少的重要生活用品,其相關產業也是台灣重點發展項目之一。然而,橡膠製程和一般製造業的製程不同,其原物料使用種類多元,產品項目也不同,因此在整個橡膠製造的過程中工作人員會接觸到各類不同的化學品,作業環境除易潛藏化學氣味、高熱、粉塵及噪音等危害因子外,也常設有高馬力之滾輪、輾壓等機械設備,勞工若作業時不慎捲入可能造成重大的職業災害。有鑒於此,為降低橡膠產業工作時的潛在風險,實有必要了解橡膠在製程中的危害因子。本研究即依據「ISO 45001職業安全衛生管理系統規範」,針對案例廠製程之製造一課、製造二課、製造三課、製造四課及工務課等五個單位分別進行危害鑑別及風險評估,並以嚴重度×危害機率×控制成效=風險得分(S×P×C=R)進行風險評分。經由本研究統計資料結果得知,不可接受風險(等級II ~Ⅴ,101分以上) 製造一課有11項(31%)、製造二課有2項(5.5%)、製造三課有2項(5.5%)、製造四課有4項(11%)、工務課有17項(47%),合計36項(100%);可接受風險(等級Ⅰ,100分以下)製造一課有4項(15%)、製造二課有8項(30%)、製造三課有6項(22%)、製造四課有6項(22%)、工務課有3項(11%),合計27項(100%)。依危害鑑別風險評估分析的結果顯示,各部門製程的危害風險類型得分最高分為(分數依序):製造一課的「被捲被夾」危害風險值為770分(31.5%)、工務課「感電」危害風險值為648分(26.5%)、製造二課「被捲被夾」危害風險值為395分(16.2%),製造三課的高溫燙傷危害風險值為360分(14.7%)、以及製造四課的「噪音」危害風險值為270分(11.1%)。本研究與勞動部職業安全衛生署「108年勞動檢查統計年報」發生職業災害類型比較結果後發現,以立即性危害如墜落、被夾被捲、感電等危害類型發生的比例較高,與本研究所呈現的結果一致,但再經深入研究探討後發現,對於健康風險評估的部份,如粉塵、化學品、人因工程等健康危害有被低估之虞,後續可針對此危害參酌作業環境監測計畫書、化學品之安全資料表(SDS)等相關資料,再做進一步的評估研究及探討。此外,本研究建議對於不可接受風險項目應依消除、取代、工程控制、管理控制及個人防護具等優先順序進行考量,以現有技術能力及可用資源等因素,採取有效降低風險的控制措施,風險控制措施確認後,應指派相關人員負責規劃及實施,並定期追蹤其執行狀況;對預計採取降低風險的控制措施,應評估其控制後的殘餘風險,完成後檢討其適用性及有效性,以確認風險可被消減至預期成效;對於無法達到預期成效者,應適時予以修正,必要時應採取其他有效的控制措施。本研究的結果除有助於提升案例廠在執行職業安全衛生管理系統風險評估之成效外,也期望對橡膠同業有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRubber products are widely used in daily life and are an important daily necessities indispensable in modern life. Its related industries are also one of Taiwan′s key development projects. However, the rubber manufacturing process is different from the general manufacturing process. The raw materials used are diverse and the product items are also different. Therefore, the staff will be exposed to various chemicals during the entire rubber manufacturing process. The working environment is not only easy to hide chemicals. In addition to hazards such as odor, high heat, dust and noise, high-horsepower rollers, rolling machines and other mechanical equipment are often installed. If workers are accidentally involved in operations, they may cause major occupational disasters. In view of this, in order to reduce the potential risks of working in the rubber industry, it is necessary to understand the hazards of rubber in the manufacturing process. This research is based on the "ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System Specification", and conducted hazard identification and risk assessment for the five units of the manufacturing process of the case factory, namely Manufacturing One, Manufacturing Two, Manufacturing Three, Manufacturing Four, and Public Works. The risk score is based on severity × probability of harm × control effect = risk score (S × P × C = R). According to the statistical data of this research, unacceptable risk (level II ~ V, 101 points or more), there are 11 items in the first manufacturing One (31%), manufacturing Two has 2 items (5.5%), and manufacturing Three has 2 items. (5.5%), manufacturing four has 4 items (11%), public works has 17 items (47%), a total of 36 items (100%); acceptable risk (level I, 100 points or less) Manufacturing One has 4 items (15%), Manufacturing Two has 8 items (30%), Manufacturing Three has 6 items (22%), manufacturing four has 6 items(22%), public works has 3items (11%), total 27 items (100%). According to the results of the hazard identification risk assessment and analysis, the hazard risk type score of each department′s process is the highest (scores in order): The hazard risk value of "being caught" in the first class of manufacturing is 770 points (31.5%), the risk value of "electric shock" hazard in the public works class is 648 points (26.5%), and the risk of "being caught in the second class" is 648 points (26.5%). The "clamp" hazard risk value is 395 points (16.2%), the high temperature burn hazard risk value of the manufacturing class 3 is 360 points (14.7%), and the "noise" hazard risk value of the manufacturing class 4 is 270 points (11.1%). This study compared the types of occupational disasters that occurred in the "108 Years of Labor Inspection Statistics Annual Report" of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the Ministry of Labor. The results presented by the research are consistent, but after in-depth research and discussion, it is found that the health hazards of the health risk assessment, such as dust, chemicals, human factors, and other health hazards, may be underestimated. You can refer to the working environment for this hazard in the future. Monitoring plan, chemical safety data sheet (SDS) and other related materials, and then do further evaluation research and discussion. In addition, this research suggests that unacceptable risk projects should be considered in the priority order of elimination, replacement, engineering control, management control, and personal protective equipment, and effective risk reduction control measures should be taken based on factors such as existing technical capabilities and available resources. After the control measures are confirmed, relevant personnel should be assigned responsible for planning and implementation, and their implementation status should be tracked regularly; for the control measures that are expected to be taken to reduce risks, the residual risks after control should be evaluated, and their applicability and effectiveness should be reviewed after completion. It is confirmed that the risk can be reduced to the expected effect; for those who cannot achieve the expected effect, it should be corrected in due course, and other effective control measures should be taken when necessary. The results of this study will not only help improve the effectiveness of the case factory in implementing the risk assessment of the occupational safety and health management system, but also hope to be helpful to the rubber industry.en_US
DC.subjectISO 45001管理系統zh_TW
DC.subjectISO 45001 management systemen_US
DC.subjecthazard identificationen_US
DC.subjectrisk assessmenten_US
DC.titleISO 45001職業安全衛生管理系統之危害鑑別與風險評估之探討-以某橡膠製品業為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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