博碩士論文 108383608 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLuu Trong Thuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract強力刮齒/剮齒(Power Gear Skiving)是一種有效率的加工齒輪技術,可用於進行內齒輪及外齒輪之加工,然而實際剮齒後齒面常因不對稱刃口而造成不均勻齒面留磨量,造成後續磨齒時成本的增加;此外,往往每一具有特定壓力角及螺旋角之齒輪皆需一對應之刮齒刀,為降低製造成本,如何重複使用同一刮齒刀加工不同壓力角或螺旋角之齒輪亦為一關鍵技術。本文提出利用線性及二次校正齒條廓形進行傳統錐型剮齒刀具刃口之修形,以符合預想加工之齒輪輪廓;更提出基於內、外雙封閉迴路數控剮齒計算,可使用同一刀具進行具有不同壓力角及螺旋角之齒輪加工,經由在各加工軸添加附加運動以修改切削軌跡達到內封閉迴路之目標齒面,而在外部封閉迴路中,則求解出符合加工精度需求齒輪之壓力角或螺旋角範圍。此外,現今應用盤型成形刀具進行螺桿加工之過程極為耗時,且複數螺旋齒面需逐一分度加工,有鑑於此,本研究創新提出可在數控機台上加工螺桿轉子之圓柱型內旋削剮齒刀之設計,建立刀具創成及新型數控加工機台之數學模型,更探討刀具進給速率對於螺桿面加工精度之影響,最終透過數值範例及VERICUT軟體之虛擬切削驗證所提出技術之正確性及可行性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPower skiving is an effective and qualitative process for machining gears, including internal and external gears. Several practical applications require the exceptional tooth flanks on the skived gear, such as even grinding stock on tooth flanks or double-crowned tooth flanks. Therefore, a novel method to modify the cutting edge of the skiving cutter is essential. In addition, each skived gear with the specific pressure and helix angles requires one skiving cutter, currently. Hence, a novel approach is necessary to reuse the skiving cutter with different pressure angles or helix angles of the work gear. This research proposes the linear and quadratic correction models for the rack to adjust the shape and position of the cutting edge of the external-conical skiving cutter on the rake plane corresponding to the predefined profile of the skived gear. Subsequently, the correction cutter is reused when changing the pressure and helix angles based on a novel dual closed loop consisting of inner and outer closed-loops. The cutting trajectory is modified to achieve the target surface in the inner closed-loop by adding the additional motions for each machining axis movements, where the adjusting limit of the electronic gearbox is considered. The suitable changing range of the skived gear’s pressure or helix angles is determined in the outer closed-loop corresponding to the required deviation of the work gear surface. Furthermore, the existing machining method using disk-type milling cutters for screw rotors is time-consuming. Therefore, a generating machining method based on skiving technology to roughly manufacture screw rotors is essential. This research proposes an internal-cylindrical skiving cutter for producing screw rotors on a new CNC skiving machine. The generating model of the internal-cylindrical cutter and the mathematical models of the cutting process on a general power-skiving system and a new CNC skiving machine are established, where the influence of feed rate on skived screw surface is also evaluated. Finally, the numerical examples, including the simulated results and the virtual experiments on VERICUT software, validate the correctness and practicability of the proposed methods.en_US
DC.subjectpower skivingen_US
DC.subjectgrinding stocken_US
DC.subjectdouble-crowned toothen_US
DC.subjecttopology modificationen_US
DC.subjectscrew rotorsen_US
DC.subjectinternal skiving cutteren_US
DC.subjectcylindrical skiving cutteren_US
DC.titleA Study on External Meshing and Internal Meshing Skiving Processes for Cylindrical Gears and Screw Rotorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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