博碩士論文 108421034 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorAi Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractAs the world’s population continues to grow, if people do not change their current dietary behaviors, the earth’s environment will not be able to load the natural resources needed by humans. In recent years, more experts have begun to emphasize the importance of reducing meat consumption. Many experts believe that human’s consumption behavior will have serious consequences for the global food problem, and many studies have shown that plant-based diets are more beneficial to human health. In addition, consumers’ awareness of sustainability has risen, and therefore more people are paying attention to animal welfare issues and green consumerism. Besides, technological innovations have given consumers a new choice, which can protect animals and support the environmental sustainability. And it’s also very delicious and good for our health. Thus, plant-based meat plays an important role in the current dietary trend. The main purpose of this research is to build a hypothetical model based on literature to understand which factors affect consumers’ behavioral intention for plant-based meat. According to the model, I designed questionnaire survey for people over the age of 25 in Taiwan, and applied Structural Equation Model to understand the relationships among factors and behavioral intention on plant-based meat. The results show that consumers′ behavioral intentions for plant-based meat are mainly affected by subjective norms, attitudes, and acceptance of innovative foods. And consumers′ food health awareness and food environmental friendliness awareness are significantly related. However, there is insufficient evidence to show that self-health assessment and food health awareness have a significant impact on behavioral intentions. Finally, this study could help the related industry of plant-based meat to better understand consumers’ thoughts and demands. It will also help when manufacturers conduct product development and plan marketing activities in the future, as well as for the promotion of sustainable diets.en_US
DC.subjectplant-based meaten_US
DC.subjectplant-based dieten_US
DC.subjecttheory of planned behavioren_US
DC.subjectinnovative fooden_US
DC.subjectenvironmental awarenessen_US
DC.titleUsing the Theory of Planned Behavior to Investigate the Factors of Behavioral Intention for Plant-based Meat Consumptionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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