博碩士論文 108426025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Syuan Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在人類文明隨著時間越來越進步之下,同時消耗了大量的非再生能源。在使用這些能源的過程中也產生了大量溫室氣體,進而導致全球暖化,甚至造成全球氣候變遷。面對如此嚴峻的環境問題,各個國家便紛紛訂定許多協定、公約,但是實際狀況卻不如預期。為了從根本上解決問題,必須加速將再生能源做為替代的主要使用能源。在全球的共同努力之下,使用再生能源的比例逐年增高,也促使再生能源的相關技術進步,尤其是太陽能與風能。雖然再生能源在發電上的應用蓬勃發展,但是在運輸的方面,雖然有對的政策,卻在資源上給予的支持不足,以及緩慢的新技術發展,使得裝置量僅呈現緩慢增長(REN21,2020)。而運輸在全世界消耗能源的統計當中,佔據了其中高達35%(IEA,2020)。為了將再生能源融入至日常生活的交通當中,本研究將導入由Hossain博士所研究的風力汽車,利用風力渦輪發電機與電動車的組合,作為人們日常生活使用的交通工具,以達成對環境無害且能永續發展的一個良好的綠色運輸替代方案。 本研究目的在於探討是否能將風力汽車替代傳統汽車,因此透過一般上班族的用車需求、風速資料等日常生活情境,利用最佳化的方式,找出風力汽車最低額外充電成本。在找出最佳解後,根據所使用不同的用車需求及風速資料,進行敏感度分析。結果顯示用車需求對於風力汽車之額外充電成本來說非常關鍵,越大量的需求則需要越高的額外充電成本。風速大小的不同所表現出對最少充電成本的影響程度較不明顯,需要相差極大的風速才足以影響額外充電成本,卻是對自身發電量有相當大的影響。從實驗的結果可以得知居住在風速越高的地區,且用車需求越高的人,越適合使用風力汽車。在未來各項再生能源技術的進步之下,發電轉換效率提升、材料成本的下降,除了能節省更多自身的能源使用成本,也能對環境保護付出更近一步的心力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs human civilization has progressed more and more over time, a large amount of non-renewable energy is consumed at the same time. In the process of using these energy sources, a large amount of greenhouse gases were also produced, which in turn led to global warming and even global climate change. Faced with such severe environmental problems, various countries have concluded many agreements and conventions, but the actual situation came out was not as expected. In order to solve the problem fundamentally, it is necessary to accelerate the use of renewable energy as the main alternative energy source. With the joint efforts of the world, the proportion of renewable energy used has increased year by year, which has also promoted the technological progress of renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy. Although the application of renewable energy in power generation is booming, in terms of transportation, insufficient policy support and slow development of new technologies have caused only a slow increase in the number of installations. And transportation accounts for up to 35% of the world′s energy consumption statistics. In order to integrate renewable energy into the transportation of daily life, this research will introduce the electric vehicle powered by wind energy researched by Dr. Hossain, and use the combination of wind turbine generator and electric vehicle as a transportation tool used by people in daily life, so as to achieve no harm to the environment. And it can be a good green transportation alternative for sustainable development. The purpose of this research is to explore whether wind vehicles can be used as alternatives to traditional vehicles. Therefore, through the daily life situations of ordinary office workers, wind speed data, etc., using an optimized method to find the lowest additional charging cost for wind vehicles. After finding the best solution, perform sensitivity analysis based on different vehicle requirements and wind speed data used. The results show that car demand is very critical to the additional charging cost of wind vehicles, and the larger the demand, the higher the additional charging cost. The difference in wind speed has a less obvious impact on the minimum charging cost. A very large difference in wind speed is needed to affect the additional charging cost, but it has a considerable impact on its own power generation. From the results of the experiment, it can be known that people with higher wind speeds and higher demand for cars are more suitable for using wind cars. With the advancement of various renewable energy technologies in the future, the improvement of power generation conversion efficiency and the reduction of material costs will not only save more of its own energy use costs, but also make one step closer to environmental protection.en_US
DC.subjectClimate changeen_US
DC.subjectSustainable Developmenten_US
DC.subjectRenewable Energyen_US
DC.subjectEV powered by Wind Energyen_US
DC.titleCharging Cost Analysis of using EV powerd by Wind Energy in Daily Lifeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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