DC 欄位 |
值 |
語言 |
DC.contributor | 人力資源管理研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | 周晨晞 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | Chen-Hsi Chou | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-6-30T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-6-30T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=108427026 | |
dc.contributor.department | 人力資源管理研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.description | 國立中央大學 | zh_TW |
DC.description | National Central University | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | 隨著 VUCA 時代的到來,市場環境的不確定性、複雜性與模糊性都不斷上升,使得企業需要保持快速適應、預測市場的能力以及在決策上的靈活性,才能不斷加快自主創新能力,打造出自身的核心價值。因此,組織內的管理者更需要關注思考如何提升員工的創造力。雙元領導結合了雙元領論與領導力,強調領導者能根據情境靈活的轉換兩種相互衝突的領導風格,為企業在動態且複雜的環境下,克服單一領導風格無法處理的悖論問題。過去研究大多將開放式領導風格與閉合式領導風格分別進行研究,探討單一領導風格與創新行為之間的關係,對於兩者之間做用機制的研究更是稀缺。因此,本研究以兩者兼備(both/and)的思維,考量主管兩種領導風格兼備的可能,並以新的研究方法-多項式迴歸及反應曲面分析,探究開放-閉合雙元領導、開放式領導、閉合式領導、無為型領導對於創造力自我效能及創新行為之間的關係。本研究共蒐集 383 份台灣企業之有效主管部屬配對問卷,並使用多項式迴歸與反應曲面圖分析結果,研究發現:(1)當主管同時展現開放-閉合雙元領導時,其部屬的創造力自我效能會高於主管展現無為型領導時。(2)展現高開放式領導的主管,其部屬的創造力自我效能會高於展現閉合式領導的主管。(3)部屬創造力自我效能在開放-閉合雙元領導與部屬創新行為之間具有中介作用。研究結果之學術貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向,也在最後提出討論。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | In order to manage the complexity of the new VUCA environment, adaptation and flexibility are the keys to today’s thriving dynamic business environment. Therefore, managers need to focus on how to improve employee’s innovation behavior. Ambidextrous leadership is the extension and application of ambidexterity theory and leadership. In addition, the ambidextrous leadership model suggests that both types of leader behaviors need to be flexibly applied in line with the situational requirements of creativity and implementation. Existing research focused on the study of single perspective leadership styles, and there were only few studies that were focused on the mediator between ambidextrous leadership and innovation behavior. Hence, this study aims to combine both opening and closing leader in order to investigate the interaction effect on Subordinates’ innovative behavior and also the Mediating Role of Creative Self-Efficacy. Based on field study of 383 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan, using polynomial regression and response surface to calculate the result. The findings support that (1) subordinates’ innovation behavior is higher under the ambidextrous leadership when compare with laissez-faire leadership, (2) subordinates’ innovation behavior is higher under the opening leadership when compare with closing leadership, (3) Creative Self-Efficacy mediates the mutual strengthening interaction effect between ambidextrous leadership upon subordinates’ innovative behavior. Finally, we discussed the implications of our study, accordingly. | en_US |
DC.subject | 雙元領導 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 開放式領導 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 閉合式領導 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 創新行為 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 多項式迴歸 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 反應曲 面分析 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | Ambidextrous Leadership | en_US |
DC.subject | Opening Leadership | en_US |
DC.subject | Closing Leadership | en_US |
DC.subject | Innovation Behavior | en_US |
DC.subject | Polynomial Regression Analysis | en_US |
DC.subject | Response Surface Analysis | en_US |
DC.title | 開放-閉合雙元領導對部屬創新行為之影響-以創造力自我效能為中介變項 | zh_TW |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | zh-TW |
DC.title | The Relationship Between Ambidextrous Leadership and Subordinates’ Innovation Behavior: Mediating Role of Creative Self-Efficacy. | en_US |
DC.type | 博碩士論文 | zh_TW |
DC.type | thesis | en_US |
DC.publisher | National Central University | en_US |