博碩士論文 108450003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Fang Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract水電在建築工程是重要工項,慎選優良廠商施工,才能確保施工品質安全耐用,然而水電工程的市場競爭激烈,如何兼顧工程品質成本控制與減少工程糾紛,並在產業中求生存,獲利與成長,以達到企業永續經營目標,至為關鍵。 本研究針對水電工程業進行分析,選擇國內A水電工程公司承攬南部某大賣場水電工程,作為個案分析的對象,探討其水電管理規劃設計,工程分包商管理,進度管理,驗收維修保固等策略與具體作為,並深入探討其優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅從而釐清彙整出個案公司的關鍵成功因素。 本研究以質性研究中的個案分析法進行,選擇中壢地區個案A水電公司作為研究對象,資料來源包括次級資料的收集與個案公司高階主管的深度訪談,經過收集彙整與分析資料後得到下列研究結論:1.兼顧施工品質與成本控制,是經營水電工程公司最重要的課題;2.建築工程與水電工程界面必須緊密整合;3.施工品質必須重視自主檢查,從中瞭解缺失盡速改善。研究建議包括三項:1.重視水電技師的教育訓練並提升技術水準;2.建議政府正視水電工程公司技術的提升與傳承;3.基層技術工被外籍移工取代,人才嚴重斷層,建議從長計議。對未來研究方向之建議包括三項:1.宜進行量化研究分析;2.擴大研究對象;3.產業發展之動態性研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWater and electricity projects are an important part of construction engineering. Good construction contractors should be selected in a prudent manner so as to ensure the construction quality, safety and durability. However, the market competition of water and electricity projects is fierce. To strike a balance between cost control, project quality, and reducing disputes in the construction, as well as to survive in the industry, and achieve sustainable business operations, have become key matters. This study analyzes the water and electricity construction industry, it chooses a domestic water and electricity construction firm, Firm A, as the research object. This firm is the contractor of the water and electricity construction for a large supermarket in southern Taiwan. In this study, we discuss its management, planning and design of water and electricity, sub-contractor management, schedule management, the strategies and actions related to inspection, acceptance, maintenance and reinforcement. This study also explores its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, in efforts to identify the key factors of the firm’s success. In this study, the qualitative case study method is utilized, and Firm A, a water and electricity construction firm in Chung-li region is selected as the research object. The data sources include secondary data collection and in-depth interviews with senior executives of the case firm. Through collection, collation, and analysis of data, the following conclusions are reached: 1. Paying attention to both construction quality and cost control is the most important issue of the water and electricity construction firm. 2. The interfaces between construction engineering and water and electricity construction must be arranged in an integrated manner. 3. The firm must pay attention to self-check to ensure construction quality and understand deficiencies so as to promptly improve. There are three research recommendations: 1. Pay attention to the education and training of water and electricity technicians and improve their workmanship. 2. It is suggested that the government should recognize its role in the technical improvement and inheritance of water and electricity firms. 3. The basic-level technicians have been replaced by foreign migrant workers, leading to a large gap of talents, and a long-term perspective is recommended in this regard. There are there suggestions for future research directions: 1. Carry out quantitative analysis; 2. Expand the scope of research; 3. Study the dynamics of industrial development.en_US
DC.subjectManagement and operation strategyen_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.subjectwater and electricity construction firmen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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