博碩士論文 108450011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Hui Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract面對時間限制、資源不足的危機,大多數的企業經常自亂陣腳或束手無策。組織如何於危機中能有效因應、化險為夷,發展解決方案是值得探索的研究議題。本研究以新冠肺炎於全球流行失控中,「工具機口罩國家隊」執行「不可能任務」過程中,他們不曾做過口罩機,卻於短時間有效迅速組織同業隊伍,成功組裝出口罩機之成功關鍵因素為研究案例。 本研究以緊急拚創、協同合作、CSR為理論觀點,探索工具機口罩國家隊完成任務的歷程;透過質性的資料分析,發展四個研究發現:第一、工具機口罩國家隊同業整合的歷程中的六個階段:緊急期的志願軍召募、拚創期的無中創有、組織領導共識、校準期的有中生法,紀律管理、擴大期的依法量產、複製期等歷程。第二、協同合作緊密度層次,從溝通期、初步共同操作、共同協調、聯合、整合展現國家隊的協同合作。第三、以三現主義的管理方針與同業合作實務,分別是「盤點資源、拼湊資源、急興行動與社會建構資源」等實務,進而發展新挑戰與新機會的解決方案。第四、秉持CSR的精神緊急拼創有限資源、技巧性管理機制、創造團隊拼搏精神之本質,進而在困境中突圍、在逆境中成長、在劣勢中創新。 當組織面臨狀況時,先不至於自亂陣腳,再能進一步穩定軍心,整合資源面對挑戰呢。本研究對此提出四項要點:第一、數字化:要化緊急情境為數字化、具體化的「緊急目標」。第二、標準化:先將目無章法的狀況標準化出一個樣版。第三、制度化:讓資源有效地轉化為戰果。第四,日常化:將工作實務日常化為組織慣例,也就是完成階段性拼創的歷程。上述這整個歷程亦可稱為組織創新的歷程,對於新創公司或研發單位而言,以緊急拼創的歷程為例,也可以作為實務界刻意創造緊急、運用即興,以激發組織「緊急拼創」的應變能力,組織也應該主動去擾動停滯的組織而激起組織新的創造力。本研究據此研究發現提出理論意涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFaced with the crisis of limited time and insufficient resources, most enterprises are often at a loss or helpless. How to deal with the crisis effectively and how to develop solutions is a research topic worth exploring. This study is based on the case study of the key factors for the successful assembly of the mask machine for export by the "tool machine mask national team" during the "impossible task" of the global epidemic of new crown pneumonia. Facing the limited time and resources, most enterprises are often lost and helpless. Therefore, developing efficient solutions become a worth to try for organization. This study is based on the key factor which accomplished the “impossible task” of the global pandemic from “Tool Machine Mask National Team” for assembly of machine to produce isolation mask. Based on the theory of urgent innovation, cooperation and CSR, this paper explores the process of the national team to complete the task. Through qualitative data analysis, it can develop four researches: First, there are four stages in the process of tool machine mask national team industry integration: Volunteer Recruitment in this emergency period; Innovation period starting from zero; Consensus of organization and leadership; Discipline, management, mass production in accordance with the law, and replication period. Second, the level of cooperation closeness, from the communication period, preliminary joint operation, joint coordination, joint, integration to show the national team′s cooperation. Third, we should adopt the management policy of "three manifestations" and the practice of industry cooperation, namely "inventory resources, patchwork resources and social construction resources", so as to develop solutions to new challenges and opportunities. Fourth, adhering to the spirit of CSR, creating limited resources, skillful management mechanism, and creating the essence of team spirit. The whole process mentioned above can also be called the process for organizational innovation. For start-ups or R & D companies, taking the process of emergency innovation as an example, it can also be regarded as the practice field′s deliberate creation of emergency and the use of improvisation to stimulate the organization′s ability of "emergency innovation". The organization should also take the initiative to disturb stagnant organizations and stimulate new creativity. Based on these findings, this study proposes theoretical implications.en_US
DC.subjecturgent innovationen_US
DC.subjecttool machine industryen_US
DC.subjectmask national teamen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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