博碩士論文 108450070 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Che Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract早期台灣電子製造業以發展代工業務為主,經由獲得國際大廠的代工訂單,學習國際大廠的技術知識與管理制度,然而,隨著市場競爭愈來愈激烈,台灣代工廠商在面臨同業競爭及客戶要求調降代工費的壓力下,為了擺脫代工微利這個困境,以及提升企業獲利並永續經營,在累積多年的製造經驗與成本管理能力日趨成熟,許多企業開始思考創立自有品牌,在同時發展代工業務與自有品牌的背景下,以代工養品牌成了一種普遍的方式,然而當品牌業務成長到一定程度,開始威脅到現有代工客戶時,就面臨了品牌業務與代工事業的衝突,客戶往往以抽單或縮減訂單方式因應,此時企業就面臨困難的抉擇,是否要將品牌業務與代工事業切割? 本研究採質性研究的個案研究法,以華碩分割和碩為個案,探討企業分割對於華碩與和碩的經營績效是否具有效益。經與同業對照組公司比較分析,顯示華碩與和碩在品牌業務與代工事業分家後,兩家企業在重新整合自身資源,得以重新聚焦核心競爭力,落實專業分工,分割後十年來的經營績效表現明顯優於同業對照組公司。華碩於分割後,得以專注在品牌行銷與業務推廣,在全球筆記型電腦市佔率上有所提升。和碩則在分割後得以專注代工經營,爭取新的客戶與訂單,近年來營收與獲利均得以大幅成長。華碩與和碩此一企業分割案為近年來成功的典型案例,可以作為企業解決代工與自有品牌衝突問題之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the early days, Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing industry focused on the development of Contract Manufacturing business. Through obtaining Contract Manufacturing orders from major international manufacturers, they learned the technical knowledge and management systems of major international manufacturers. However, as market competition became more and more fierce, Taiwanese contract manufacturers faced with the pressure of competition in the same industry and customer requirements to reduce fees, in order to get rid of the dilemma of meager profit, in order to improve the profitability of the company and continue to operate, many companies have begun to think after years of accumulated manufacturing experience and cost management capabilities. Establishing its own brand, under the background of developing OEM business and own brand at the same time, it has become a common way to raise the brand by OEM. However, when the brand business has grown to a certain extent, it begins to threaten existing OEM customers. Facing the conflict between the brand business and the Contract Manufacturing business, customers often respond by drawing orders or reducing orders. At this time, the company is facing a difficult decision, whether to separate the Contract Manufacturing from the brand business? This study adopts the case study method of qualitative research, taking the spin-off of Pegatron by Asustek as a case study to explore whether the corporate spin-off is beneficial to the operating performance of ASUS and Pegatron. A comparative analysis with peer companies shows that after the separation of brand business and Contract Manufacturing business between Asustek and Pegatron, the two companies are reintegrating their own resources to refocus on core competitiveness and implement professional business. The operating performance is significantly better than the peer group companies. After the spin-off, Asustek was able to focus on brand marketing and business promotion, and its share of the global notebook computer market has increased. After the spin-off, Pegatron was able to focus on Contract Manufacturing operations and win new customers and orders. In recent years, both revenue and profit have grown substantially. This corporate spin-off between ASUS and Pegatron is a successful typical case in recent years and can be used as a reference for companies to resolve conflicts between OEM and Contract Manufacturing.en_US
DC.subjectcase studiesen_US
DC.subjectconflicts between Contract Manufacturing and own branden_US
DC.subjectcorporate spin-offen_US
DC.subjectoperating performanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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