博碩士論文 108450078 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHo-Fei Wongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自1970 年代臺灣隨著電子產業代工急速興起,使材料加工技術與發展也是一日千里,沖壓加工技術即為其中一項產業。所謂沖壓加工,係指利用沖床機械及其專用工具配合模具作業,在常溫狀態下對加工材料施行沖剪、彎曲、成型、抽製或壓縮等工藝,製造出各種不同用途的零件。沖壓加工法具有高超的生產量,且加工應用範圍廣泛,凡材料適合於沖製者大都採用此加工技法。由於板材沖製加工可降低零件重量以及可以收到較佳的零件強度和剛性效果,零件的最終形狀不必再進一步的切削加工,所以沖壓工作可以說是現代工業生產中降低成本的最佳方法,唯此產業亦屬於勞力密集行列,在長期發展下來所投入的技術門檻已成熟,且相繼創業者眾,形成高密度的競爭市場,同時均以低價格為競爭手段,加之近5年來大陸勞務市場人力短缺,基本工資上揚,對沖壓產業形成嚴重沖擊,不少台資企業面臨無法經營的局面。面對此嚴峻挑戰,本研究探討的主題為沖壓製造產業生產力再造,希望由降低用人成本的構面分析中,探討如何能讓沖壓製造產業持續保有獲利與經營的能力。本個案研究對象為本報告作者所負責經營的五金沖壓廠,此廠實質投入 3,200 萬美元,於 2020 年之年營業額 6 億人民幣,稍具五金沖壓產業的規模性,經由相關實務經驗與文獻探討,本研究發現:深耕沖壓核心技術,應用工業工程產線佈局方法,結合刪除、合併、重整、簡化等四原則,配合導入製程自動化作業,運用人力資源管理擴大關鍵性技術人力等策略,達到減少一般用工人數,提升生產力之傳統產業再造成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStarting in the 1970’s, OEM business rose and continuously flourished in Taiwan, which in turn accelerated the growth of material process industry. A particular process, stamping, became one of the emerging stars of manufacturing techniques. Stamping usually operates under normal temperature by using a press machinery and a set of tailor-made tools matching with die(mold) to shape materials via blanking, bending, forming, drawing or extruding so as to generate components with different characteristics and purposes. Stamping process is not only suitable for extremely high-volume productions but also adaptable to various applications. Therefore, lots of traditional components are products of stamping process. Besides, there are other merits in stamping process such as minimizing the weight, enhancing strength and rigidness of components and reducing the extra end-cutting process. Therefore, it is widely used and considered to be one of the most cost-effective methods of modern production techniques. However, the full development of stamping process induces such problems as labor-intensive, low entry-barrier and price sensitive, and consequently makes its market highly competitive. In the past five years, labor shortage and up-soaring wages have become insurmountable hindrances especially for Taiwanese companies having factories operating in Mainland China. The aim of this study is to report a successful example of stamping factories in Mainland China maintaining competitiveness and surviving well through an in-depth research focusing on lowering the total labor cost of factory workers and employees. This case study is a live example of the factories the author now in charge of. The total investment of the example factories has cumulatively up to 32M$, and, in estimation, they will generate a noticeably total revenue of 600M RMB in 2020. Via actual experience and theoretical research, the followings are summarized as the major factors pushing us moving forward in competitive stamping world: enhancing core competitiveness of stamping technology, reforming the supply-chain structure, introducing automation under the guidelines of elimination, merging, re-arrangement and simplification, and upgrading the portfolio of employees by increasing their capacity of key know-how while decreasing the amount of ordinary employees through effective HR management. From our true and successful example, a combination of the above major factors will lead the way to survival and thriving in the competitive stamping world.en_US
DC.subjectOEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)en_US
DC.subjectMaterial process technologyen_US
DC.subjectStamping process technologyen_US
DC.subjectMold (die)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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