博碩士論文 108451002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-Yu Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract消費型態近年來已演變成全通路 (Omni-channel)的新零售時代,而在這個生活高度串連的時代,每人每天平均使用螢幕的時間約為8小時,這樣下來一個月大約會有240小時的時間在使用不同的裝置間瀏覽及接收大量不同的訊息,在資訊不斷的曝光下,突顯了橫幅廣告(banner ad)的重要性,若是可以提高點擊率,就有提高銷售量的可能性。在色彩行銷學中,視覺感受是消費者購買行為的主要因素,而色彩更是消費者購買產品的主因。本研究主要目的為探討不同人格特質的消費者,以及不同商品類別的橫幅廣告與背景色調之間對於購買慾望的影響,可作為商品賣家在製作網路橫幅廣告時根據其客群的主要特質來思考運用廣告背景的色彩,吸引有價值的顧客並增加橫幅廣告的點擊率。本研究以食物、3C、美妝、書籍、服飾、精品、日用品、家電、家具9種商品類別以及淺紅、鮮紅、暗紅、淺橙、鮮橙、暗橙、淺黃、鮮黃、暗黃、淺綠、鮮綠、暗綠、淺藍、鮮藍、暗藍、淺紫、鮮紫、暗紫18種色彩,並且搭配大五人格測驗量表作為本研究的問卷調查依據。最後以敘述性統計分析和卡方檢定來了解資料分布情形與檢驗人格特質與不同商品類別的橫幅廣告色彩是否具有顯著之差異。研究結果發現,淺色調的橫幅廣告最能激起購買慾望,其中又以淺藍色最多;而卡方檢定顯示僅有情緒穩定性與美妝類、情緒穩定性與家具類、外向性與家具類、開放性與精品類4種組合具有顯著差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the consumption pattern has evolved into the new retail era of Omni-channel. In this era of highly connected life, a person uses the screen for about average 8 hours a day, so there will be about 240 hours of browsing and receiving a large number of different messages between different devices per month. Under the constant exposure of information, the importance of banner ads is highlighted. If the click-through rate can be increased, there is a possibility of increasing sales. In Color Marketing, the visual experience is the major factor that affects buying behavior of consumer, and color is the main reason for people to choose and buy products. The study is to explore how the consumers with different personality traits and the banner ads of different product categories with different background colors affect purchase intention. It can be used for product seller to design banner ads which based on customer’s characteristics to attract valuable customers and increase the click-through rate. This study uses 9 product categories including food, 3C, beauty, books, clothing, boutiques, daily necessities, home appliances, and furniture, as well as light red, vivid red, dark red, light orange, vivid orange, dark orange, light yellow, vivid yellow, dark yellow, light green, vivid green, dark green, light blue, vivid blue, dark blue, light purple, vivid purple, dark purple 18 colors and matched with the Big Five personality test scale as the basis of the questionnaire survey. Finally, narrative statistical analysis and chi-square test are used to understand the distribution of data and test whether there are significant differences between the personality traits and the color of banner ads of different product categories. The results of the study found that light-colored banner ads can most influence purchase intention, most of which is light blue. And the Chi-square test shows that only 4 combinations have significant differences, including emotional stability and beauty, emotional stability and furniture, extraversion and furniture, and openness and boutique.en_US
DC.subjectbanner advertisementen_US
DC.subjectpurchasing intentionen_US
DC.titleA Study on the impact of banner advertisement color in purchasing intentionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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