博碩士論文 108451004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCai-Zhen Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract以現今台灣產業結構來看,汽車美容業屬於需提供密集技術的服務性產業,而連鎖品牌市場佔有率的絕對優勢,已逐漸成為該產業的主體。經濟景氣等大環境因素影響,台灣近年的新車銷售量止跌回升,增加了汽車美容產業業務量的成長空間。產業內部競爭白熱化,造成市場連鎖品牌集中,漸形成大品牌寡佔市場之勢。 汽車美容服務內容因為消費者對於汽車美容的意識抬頭,在各時期有不同創新發展,首先是人員素質提升,由相關技職學校開始授予專業技術並採取認證制度,提升汽車美容項目的專業性,其次是服務的設備及工作規劃,因應汽車美容的實質工作內容,實施工序的標準化流程等,直接或間接地推動提升汽車美容業的服務品質。 本研究探討影響消費者選擇汽車美容店家的關鍵因素,經由影響消費者選擇汽車美容店家相關文獻及專家意見,進而發展影響消費者選擇汽車美容店家方案選擇的9項評估次準則,並使用「層級分析法(AHP)」來建構三個層級的評量構面,第一層為影響消費者選擇汽車美容店家的關鍵因素,第二層為3項評估構面,即「產品」、「服務」、「功效」,第三層為9項評估次準則。 研究結果發現,整合本研究7位專家意見在3項評估構面中最重視「服務」,其次為「功效」,再進一步歸納9項評估次準則的整體權重比較,重視程度最高的前三項排名依序為「售後服務」、「光澤度」及「內裝清潔保養」。可見消費者最注重的關鍵因素。 本研究藉由訪問3位消費者比較使用「層級分析法(AHP)」評量模式選擇的方案是否符合,用以驗證評量模式可用性,結果3位消費者選擇方案皆符合,所以本研究之AHP評量模式可適用於消費者選擇汽車美容店家之方案選擇。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFrom the perspective of the current industrial structure in Taiwan, the car detailing business should provide technology-intensive industry in the market, besides, the chain brand takes absolute advantage of market share in this industry. Due to environmental impact such as the economic boom, the new car sales in Taiwan have stopped falling and rebounded in recent years, which has increased the market demand in car business including car detailing industry. Furthermore, the competition in this market has already get into the incandesce stage and has resulted in the concentration of chain brands in the market, lastly forming a trend of oligopoly of big brands in the market. The consumer awareness of car detailing has risen, so the car detailing services has been through different innovations and developments in various periods. First, the improvement of employee quality. To improve the professional skills, apply a relevant technical and vocational schools, in the certification system to enhance the professionalism of car detailing projects. Second, the car detailing equipment and work log, including the implementation of standardized procedures to the actual work content of car detailing, etc., directly or indirectly promote the improvement of the service quality of the car detailing industry. According to related literature and expert opinions, this study explores the key factors that consumers′ choice car detailing shops and develops 9 evaluation criteria which affect consumers′ choice. Using hierarchical analysis, construct by three levels of evaluation dimensions, the first level is the key factors that influence consumers to choose car detailing shops, the second level is three evaluation dimensions, which is products, services, and efficacy, and the third level is 9 items Evaluation criteria. The results of the study found that the integration of the opinions of the 7 experts in this study placed the most emphasis on service among the three evaluation aspects, followed by efficacy, and further summarized the overall weight comparison of the nine evaluation criteria. After-sales service, quality and professionalism. It can be seen that the key factors that consumers pay most attention to. In this study, we interviewed three consumers to compare whether the plans purchased using the AHP evaluation model were in compliance with the evaluation model to verify the usability of the evaluation model. The results of the three consumers′ purchase plans were consistent. It is suitable for consumers to choose the scheme of car detailing shop.en_US
DC.subjectCar detailingen_US
DC.titleKey factor for influencing consumers to choose a car detailing shop with AHPen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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