博碩士論文 108451005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Hui Yuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract網路技術正在迅速地改變著消費者的購物模式和生活習慣。隨著互聯網時代發展,各大品牌不得不開始改變轉由網路行銷角度思考,透過結合傳統實體商店、數位虛擬通路和社群的經營模式帶動虛實整合的商業環境。從理論上來說,過去,影響消費者行為決策的因素在於產品本身的價值,而現今,消費者更著重於心靈層面的滿足。企業使用行銷策略確實會提升品牌好感度,也將會成為競爭優勢的來源,藉此,本研究針對個案品牌如何使用虛實整合行銷策略提升品牌權益也就是品牌價值,而帶動品牌績效為探討主題。 運用內容行銷、參與行銷及社群行銷之虛實整合策略來分析個案品牌權益提升與品牌績效表現。透過學者文獻探討及訪談,做出影響品牌權益調查,探討虛實整合行銷趨勢、品牌權益與品牌績效之關係,以作為品牌行銷策略之參考。 本研究方法採用個案研究法,分別針對個案公司經理人、經銷商進行訪談,將獲得資料進行實證分析。藉此衡量虛實整合行銷對品牌權益和品牌績效存在影響之關係。分析結果表明,品牌行銷、品牌權益和品牌績效之間有著緊密的聯繫。因此,本研究依據分析提出對Vespa品牌行銷策略之虛實整合管理之參考建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractConsumers′ shopping patterns and lifestyle habits are rapidly changed by Internet technology. With the development of the Internet era, major brands must change their thinking from the perspective of online marketing, driving a business environment that clicks and mortar through a business model that combines traditional physical stores, digital virtual channels, and internet communities. Theoretically speaking, in the past, the factor of decisions that influenced consumer behavior was the value of the product itself, but nowadays, consumers are more focused on spiritual satisfaction. The marketing strategies which are used by companies will indeed increase brand favorability and will also become a source of competitive advantage. In this way, this research focuses on how individual brands use virtual and real integrated marketing strategies to enhance brand equity, which is brand value, and drive brand performance as the topic of discussion. To analyze case brand equity enhancement and brand performance by using the clicks and mortar strategies of content marketing, participation marketing, and community marketing. Through literature research and interviews with scholars, a survey on brand equity is conducted to explore the relationship among virtual and actual integrated marketing trends, brand equity and brand performance, as a reference for brand marketing strategies. This research adopts a method of case study to conduct interviews with individual company managers, distributors, and companies, and conduct empirical analysis on the data obtained. To measure the relationship between virtual and real integrated marketing on brand equity and brand performance. The analysis results show that there is a close relationship among brand marketing, brand equity and brand performance. Therefore, based on the analysis, this research puts forward suggestions for the integration of virtual and actual management of the Vespa brand marketing strategy. Keywords: Brand Marketing, Clicks and mortar, Content, Engagement, Community, Brand Equity, Brand Performanceen_US
DC.title品牌行銷之虛實整合策略 — 以Vespa為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe clicks and mortar strategy of brand marketing: A case study of Vespaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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