博碩士論文 108451006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Han Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractERP為公司重要管理系統之一。ERP系統也包含了許多廠牌,目前市場占有率最高的ERP品牌為 SAP,並且 SAP 將在2025年後不支援舊版系統,屆時將會有大量SAP ERP 升級需求。企業在執行 SAP ERP 升級專案時需要有外部顧問支援升級專案,本研究將探討ERP升級之顧問公司評選關鍵因素及方案選擇,可讓選擇顧問公司時有數據基礎可以作為參考。 本研究以文獻為基礎和業界專家訪談,資料整理後歸納出三個主準則與十個次要主則,再將所歸納出的準則套入AHP層級分析法來建構三個層級的評量構面,第一層為「以AHP方法研究ERP升級之顧問公司評選關鍵因素」,第二層為三項評估構面,即「升級費用」、「顧問公司」、「專案管理」,第三層為10項評估次準則,即「系統客制費用」、「顧問費用」、「硬體升級費用」,「顧問公司名聲」、「目前配合維運廠商」、「升級成功案例」,「產業經驗」、「專案經驗」、「專案時程」,「實施方法」。 研究結果發現,整合本研究九位專家問卷在估構面中最重視「升級費用」,其次為「顧問公司」。 挑選三間企業並提供三個方案來做驗證前後選擇方案是否符合,用以驗證評量模式的可用性,結果3間企業選擇皆於預想選擇方案相符,所以結論為本研究的AHP方法,在使用於升級顧問挑選是可行的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractERP is one of the company′s important management systems. The ERP system also contains many brands. The current ERP brand with the highest market share is SAP, and SAP will not support the old version of the system after 2025. There will be a large number of SAP ERP upgrade requirements. Enterprises need to have external consultants to support the upgrade project when implementing SAP ERP upgrade projects. This research will discuss the key factors and plan selection for ERP upgrade consultant company selection, so that the data basis can be used as a reference when choosing a consultant company. This research is based on the literature and interviews with industry experts. After the data is compiled, three main principles and ten secondary main principles are summarized, and then the summarized principles are applied to the AHP level analysis method to construct a three-level evaluation structure. The first level is "AHP method to study the key factors of ERP upgrade consulting company selection", the second level is three evaluation aspects, namely "upgrade cost", "consultant company", "project management", and the third level 10 evaluation criteria, namely "system customization cost", "consultant cost", "hardware upgrade cost", "consultant company reputation", "current cooperation with maintenance vendors", "upgrade successful cases", "industry experience" ", "Project experience", "Project schedule", "Implementation method". The results of the study found that the integration of the nine expert questionnaires in this study puts the most emphasis on "upgrade costs" in estimating dimensions, followed by "consultants". Choose three companies and provide three options to verify whether the selected options are consistent before and after verification to verify the usability of the evaluation model. As a result, the three companies’ choices are all consistent with the expected options. Therefore, the conclusion is that the AHP method of this research is used in Upgrade consultant selection is feasibleen_US
DC.titleUse AHP method to study the key factors of ERP upgrade consulting company selectionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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