博碩士論文 108456026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuang-Chieh Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣石英頻率元件產業經過將近40年的演進。原已經是成長率逐年下滑且不再具有高度爆發性的製造產業。近兩年,隨著全球第五代行動通訊技術陸續商轉,各國開始啟動基地台相關基礎建設,從核心網路到微型基地台、終端消費性產品等廣泛應用,將推升頻率元件需求大幅增加,逆轉先前持續下滑的市場狀況,成為該產業的成長新動能。 就市場供需面來看,石英頻率元件產業走出谷底的重要關鍵在於,高速率、高頻段及低延時數據回傳基地台的裝置設計,為該產業帶來新的商機,加上高科技的車用電子以及頻率元件趨於小型化,讓台灣石英頻率元件產業出現回春生機。從2019開始,個案公司投入龐大資本於生產產能及產品品質上的提升,除擴充小型化產品生產線,也將導入發展晶圓級封裝製程,將有助公司搶攻高階小型化產品。而目前個案公司的石英晶片製造產能,早已無法滿足目前下游廠商之出貨需求。 而目前個案公司的石英晶片製造產能,早已無法滿足目前下游廠商之出貨需求。就個案公司為例,石英晶片的主要產能瓶頸站點為過程為晶片切斷、尺寸切斷、頻率分選。在沒有大幅增加人力與機台的情況下,石英晶片產能差異所造成之影響,短期內可以透過個案公司之內部工廠(寧波廠、重慶廠)進行半自製晶片的轉調與購入而獲得產能部分的滿足,但由於半自製晶片為頻率晶片及煮膠晶片,購入後分別從排片上膠及圓邊站點接力進行後續生產作業。換句話說,浸蝕站與頻率分選站兩大站點,由於不能夠透過公司內部其他廠區進行半自製晶片的轉調及購入,為個案公司目前主要之瓶頸站點,仍需要內部進行流程的優化及改善來滿足客戶需求。 本研究將透過精實製造的導入,檢視現階段個案公司遇到的生產狀況,並透過減少浪費與價值流圖等核心觀念進行專案改善。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter nearly 40 years of development, Taiwan′s quartz frequency component industry now has a declining growth rate and is no longer a highly-explosive growing industry. In the past two years, as the 5G technology have been developed, many countries have started to launch the infrastructure construction which is related to the base stations. From core networks to micro base stations till the wide application of consumer products, they will boost a great demand for frequency components which turns around the declining market has become a new growing momentum of this industry. From the perspective of supply-demand trend on the market, the reason that quartz frequency component industry can bottom out lies in the design of the device which can realize high-velocity, high-frequency and low-delay in data return to the base station. This technology has brought new business opportunities to the industry. Together with the high-tech automotive electronics and the miniaturization of frequency components, Taiwan′s quartz frequency component industry has come back to life. Since 2019, this case company has invested a lot of capitals to improve the production capacity and product quality. Besides expanding the production lines of miniaturized products, the company will also introduce the wafer-level packaging process, which will help the company to develop advanced miniaturized products. At present, the company’s manufacturing capacity of quartz chip can not meet the demands of the downstream manufacturers. In the case of this company, the main bottleneck of the quartz chip production capacity are mainly at chip cutting, size cutting and frequency sorting. Without a significant increase in manpower and machine, the company need to transfer and purchase semi-self-made chips from its internal plants (Ningbo plant and Chongqing plant) to reduce the influence caused by capacity gap in quartz chip production temporarily. However, the semi-self-made chips are normally frequency chips or glued chips, which have to be glued on chip rows and then go to the follow-up process via the round-edging stage. In other words, the etching stage and frequency sorting stage are two main bottleneck. because they can not be transferred or purchased from other internal plants. It is necessary to improve and optimize internal processes to meet customer’s needs. This research will examine the current production situation of the company by introducing the lean manufacturing method, and improve the project through the core concepts, such as waste reduction and value stream mapping.en_US
DC.subjectquartz frequency componenten_US
DC.subjectlean manufacturingen_US
DC.subjectvalue stream mappingen_US
DC.title精實製造於瓶頸站之生產效率改善的研究 ─以某石英振盪器公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleResearch on the improvement of production efficiency at bottleneck by lean manufacturing─example of a quartz component manufacturing company.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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