博碩士論文 108457022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWEI YI HSUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract員工在作業環境中執行業務所面臨到的職安風險一直是組織、公司所面臨之問題,近年來勞動意識抬頭,政府政策導向驅使組織營造更友善、更安全的作業環境。降低職安事故的發生最主要的方式就是消弭不安全的行為。本研究旨在於探討組織施行安全教育訓練的人力資源措施對於員工工作中之安全行為、安全遵從、安全參與之間的關聯及影響。另外,再進一步探究組織的安全氣候對於安全教育訓練、安全行為間之影響。經發放回收問卷及彙整統計結果,接著再進行整體性的分析及歸納,以求得驗證。研究結果顯示: 一、組織實施「安全教育訓練」對於員工的「安全行為」、「安全遵從」及「安全參與」有正向之影響。 二、組織「安全氣候」對員工「安全行為」、「安全遵從」及「安全參與」有正向之影響。 三、組織「安全氣候」對組織實施「安全教育訓練」與員工「安全行為」、「安全遵從」有正向干擾效果。 四、組織「安全氣候」對組織實施「安全教育訓練」與員工「安全參與」不具有干擾效果。 所以組織可以利用安全教育訓練措施提升安全的知識技能,達到促進員工遵從工作守則、工作程序等安全且正確的行為,或利用在現場改善不安全之工作環境、提醒同僚或參加職安會議提出建言等。另外由管理階層上而下帶領營造的組織安全氣候會讓員工知覺組織對於安全之重要性,以群體力量來強化安全教育訓練後員工安全行為之效果,並藉高度的安全的行為進而達到降低職安事故的發生。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe organizations and companies have been concerned about the risks of occupational safety and health of employees in the working environment.For the past few years, the government polies trend to push the organizations making a safer and friendlier working environment.The most effective method to avoid the accidents of occupational safety and health is the decrement of unsafe behaviors.The purpose of this research is to discuss the effects of the safety training on the safety behavior,safety compliance and safety participation of employees.In addition,the effects of safety climate on the safety training were also discussed.Based on the statistical result of questionnaires,the overall analyzing and induction were conducted.The research result shows that: 1.The safety training of organization has positive correlation on the safety behavior, safety compliance and safety participation of employees. 2.The safety climate of organization has positive correlation on the safety behavior, safety compliance and safety participation of employees. 3.The safety climate of organization has a positive moderating effect on the safety training of organization, safety behavior and safety compliance of employees. 4.The safety climate of organization has no correlation on the safety training of organization and safety participation of employees. To keep the safety behavior,the organizations can therefore use the safety training to increase the safety knowledge and skill of employees and prompt them to follow the working regulations and working procedure,improve the unsafe working environment,remind each other or advise in the safety meeting.On the other hand,the top-down safety climate produced by the management can show the importance of working place safety to the organization, which can be used to emphasize the effect of safety training.Consequently,the accidents of occupational safety and health can be decreased by keeping employees’ high safety behavior.en_US
DC.subjectSafety Trainingen_US
DC.subjectSafety Climateen_US
DC.subjectSafety Behavior (Compliance and Participation)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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