博碩士論文 108524015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMo-Gang Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在學習英語能力的歷程上,無論是發展讀寫、口說或是閱讀理解,孩童必定會與「學習對象」一起學習,其中「聊書」活動(Book talk)具備了這樣的性質,學生分享書本的內容,以及自身的看法,而聽眾也能夠從中解析書本的內容。但是現今,教師因課程壓力,會選擇捨棄這樣的活動,學生被動地吸收教材,很少能回顧自身學習狀況,因此本研究提出「聊天機器人」(Chatbot),在英語閱讀活動中,陪伴學生一同聊書,並觀察在機器人引導的聊書活動下,學生的閱讀興趣有何影響。 本研究將英語閱讀活動分為:「閱讀課活動」與「聊書活動」,研究對象為臺灣某國民小學68名五年級學生,分配到實驗組與控制組,實驗組搭配機器人於「聊書活動」下一同聊書,控制組則無機器人「聊書活動」。實驗組下,每週先進行「閱讀課」活動,讓學生自由選書,靜下來閱讀,與小組聊書中內容,再上台分享,「閱讀課」活動後隔天開始「聊書活動」,邀請學生與「聊天機器人」分享故事書內容和感想。在活動中觀察學生與機器人對話狀況、對機器人的「觀感」、在閱讀課「投入」狀況、學生對英語閱讀的「情境興趣」,以及各變數間存在的關聯性。 對話方面,研究結果發現,學生多以「敘事」的方式跟機器人分享書的內容;在「觀感」方面,機器人給予學生的回饋與互動,會影響學生對機器人的「觀感」,進而影響他們在聊書時分享的內容量,也影響他們在「閱讀課」的「投入」狀況;在閱讀課「投入」方面顯示,實驗組與控制組無顯著差異,顯示學生沒有因為隔天要跟機器人分享,而更投入在閱讀課活動當中,但是學生在「閱讀課」的「心流」狀態,會影響隔天聊書的狀況;在學生對英語閱讀的「情境興趣」方面,則發現實驗組與控制組「維持-價值」有顯著差異,顯示搭配機器人的英語閱讀活動可以維持學生對英語閱讀的重視,且這樣的效果多作用在中成就學生身上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn the path of developing English skills regardless of literacy, oral skill, or reading comprehension, children will learn with their partners. An Activity like book talk possesses such property, students sharing the content and their reflection about the books which also helps the audience to analyze the text of the book. Nowadays, due to the course schedule, educators would rather teach all the content than held this activity. Students may absorb knowledge passively and hard to review what they learn. Thus, this study conducts a chatbot method to talk about storybooks together in English reading activity. And during the experiments, we observe students’ reading interest. This study divided English reading activity into two activities: reading activity and storytelling activity. 68 students in 5th grade in elementary school in Taiwan participate in this study. We distributed students into experimental group and control group. In the experimental group, students firstly took part in reading activity where they pick books freely, read alone, talk about the books with peers, and share with everyone. After the reading activity, students participate storytelling activity where they shared the story content and thoughts to the chatbot. In the control group, students only participate reading activity. This study examined students’ dialogue with the chatbot, their perception about the chatbot, flow status in reading activity, situational interest (SI) in English reading, and correlations between each variable. In students’ dialogue, we found that students mostly narrate story content to share with the chatbot. In students’ perception, the results show that chatbot’s interaction and its feedback to the students will influence their perception of the chatbot, in turn, had an impact on the amount of content they share and their flow status in the reading activity. In flow status, there is no significant difference between the experimental group and control group which means students didn’t increase their engagement in reading activity because of the activity with the chatbot on the second day, however, students’ flow status will influence their dialogue with the chatbot. In situational interest, we found that there is a significant difference in maintained-SI-value between experimental group and control group which means embedding chatbot in English reading activity will maintain the importance of English reading to the students, this effect mostly has an impact on medium-achievement students.en_US
DC.subjectGODSPEED 量表zh_TW
DC.subjectEnglish readingen_US
DC.subjectgodspeed scalesen_US
DC.subjectsituational interesten_US
DC.subjectdialogic readingen_US
DC.subjectbook talken_US
DC.titleThe Impact of Chatbot on Elementary School Students′ Interest in English Readingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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