博碩士論文 108552007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ming Huen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技進步,數位學習平台逐漸成為教育領域的趨勢,許多大專院校都有各自使用的平台。透過數位學習平台,學生可以不受地點限制地參與線上課程,使用平台上的資源進行學習活動。在數位學習平台上,教師可以輕易地更新教材或是傳遞資訊,學生也可以快速地接收到最新的教材和資訊。數位學習平台能夠紀錄下學生在學習過程中的行為,例如操作電子教材的過程、使用的次數、進行練習或測驗的結果等等,這些資料可以讓教師了解學生的學習狀況,提供學生即時的幫助來提升學習成效。未來還可以透過這些數據對整個課程進行分析,讓教師可以適時調整課程,提升所有學生的學習成效。 SQ3R是一套被公認能夠有效提升學習成效的閱讀策略,但據了解目前沒有一個有效評估策略步驟的方法。透過數位平台的學習履歷,本研究希望設計出策略各個步驟的代理指標,並能夠有效量化策略步驟。藉由訓練學生的提問能力,透過設計的代理指標探討結合提問訓練的學習策略與傳統方法相比是否能有效提升學生學習成效。此外本研究也希望透過設計的代理指標探討策略各個步驟間,以及和學習成效的關係,並找出相關的預測模型。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advancement of science and technology, e-learning platforms have gradually become a trend in the education field, and many colleges and universities have their own platforms. Through the e-learning platform, students can participate in online courses regardless of location, and use the resources on the platform for learning activities. On the e-learning platform, teachers can easily update teaching materials or convey information, and students can quickly receive the latest teaching materials and information. The e-learning platform can record the behavior of students in the learning process, such as the process of operating e-textbooks, the number of times they are used, the results of exercises or tests, etc. These materials can allow teachers to understand students′ learning statuses and provide students with immediate help in order to improve learning effectiveness. In the future, these data can be used to analyze the entire curriculum, so that teachers can adjust the curriculum in time to improve the learning effectiveness of all students. SQ3R is a reading strategy that is recognized as being able to effectively improve learning effectiveness, but it is understood that there is no effective method for evaluating strategic steps. Through the learning logs of the digital platform, my research hopes to design proxy indicators for each step of the strategy, and can effectively quantify the strategy steps. By training students′ questioning ability, we explored whether the learning strategy combined with questioning training can effectively improve students′ learning effectiveness compared with traditional methods through the designed proxy measures. In addition, my research also hopes to explore the relationship between the various steps of the strategy and the learning effect through the designed proxy indicators, and find the relevant prediction models.en_US
DC.subjectReading strategyen_US
DC.subjectProxy measureen_US
DC.titleUnveiling SQ3R Reading Strategy from e-book Logen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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