dc.description.abstract | English has become an indispensable language globally, so the Ministry of Education hasincluded the study of English in the "12-Year Basic Education Curriculum" and implemented itat all levels of learning. The most fundamental part of learning a language is vocabulary becausevocabulary is the essential element of language organization and education. In addition,vocabulary is the primary medium of thought, emotion, and expression, and it is also howpeople understand each other′s meanings. Therefore, learning English vocabulary is crucial, butlearning English vocabulary can be complex for learners learning English as a second foreignlanguage. This is because the traditional paper-based approach allows learners to learn Englishvocabulary by rote, which is passive and dull, thus reducing interest and effectiveness.Moreover, it may cause learners to become bored with learning English. To address these issues,past research has found that digital game-based learning helps learners be more effective andmotivated to learn. This is because digital game-based learning includes many media elementsthat capture learners′ attention. Therefore, many studies have combined digital game-basedknowledge with tedious English vocabulary learning to achieve learning goals. For this reason,this study developed a digital English vocabulary learning platform based on interest-drivencreator theory called Vocabulary Paradise to help elementary school students learn Englishvocabulary.This study was conducted in a Taichung elementary school with a total of 29 elementary schoolchildren. After analyzing the data, the study results showed that both high and low achieversshowed significant improvement in listening skills after using the English Vocabulary Paradise.In addition to the substantial improvement in listening skills, it was also found that the readingseries system was helpful to the low-prepared students. In addition, the results of thequestionnaire interviews showed that the learners were satisfied with the leaderboard and paperdoll features provided in the system. The qualitative study of the system functions and the iiiquantitative analysis of the learning outcomes before and after using the system can provide areference for future researchers in designing digital game-based learning systems and helpfuture experimenters offer a direction for their design experiments.Keywords: English vocabulary learning, digital game-based learning, interest-driven creatortheory | en_US |