DC 欄位 |
值 |
語言 |
DC.contributor | 法律與政府研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | 劉苡辰 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | Yi-Chen Liu | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-8-23T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-8-23T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=108724004 | |
dc.contributor.department | 法律與政府研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.description | 國立中央大學 | zh_TW |
DC.description | National Central University | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | 提倡採取卷證不併送制度之呼生,不絕於耳,該制度之目的係為消除裁判者之預斷、追求公正審判。依據此制度,檢察官起訴時不允許將卷證資訊併送至法院,因此,勢必要設置當事人主導之揭露證據資料的制度,使辯護人得以檢視檢察官持有之卷證資料。證據開示制度,為當事人進行模式中雙方知悉他方或揭露己方證據資料的制度,其目的在於使當事人得於審判期日前進行充足之訴訟準備,避免裁判突襲。我國刑事訴訟制度,自改良式當事人進行主義後,便逐步朝向更完全之當事人進行主義邁進。立法院於 2020 年 7 月 22 日三讀通過國民法官法,明文採取「卷證不併送制度」與「證據開示制度」,此二制度對於我國而言,乃全新之課題,且國民法官法將於 2023 年正式實施。
首先,本文分析證據開示制度之理論建構及制度內涵,並且先介紹美國法上證據開示制度係如何建立,透過美國聯邦最高法院數案例,剖析該制度,並引述相關立法。其次,介紹日本法上三階段證據開示,期望透過美國法與日本法上之證據開示制度作為我國立法上之借鏡。再者,闡述我國法上證據開示制度之演進,由大法官釋字作為論述基礎,嗣藉由分析我國法先前所採取之草案與國民法官法之差異,進一步觀察我國刑事證據開示制度之演進歷程,並且提出何種開示制度較為適合我國及本文看法。接者,透過本文實際觀察新北地方法院模擬法庭之實證經驗,提供本文之心得及評論。最後,以美國法上證據開示制度與我國國民法官法之條文規定做比較,提出國民法官法之缺失及相關修法建議。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The “trial without the dossier & evidence” system has been discussed for decades. The purpose of the system is to eliminate the prejudgment of judges and pursue a fair trial. With this system, prosecutors are not allowed to send evidence to the court during prosecution. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a system of revealing evidence led by the parties, so that defenders can examine the evidence held by prosecutors. Discovery (Disclosure) is a system that both parties know the other party or disclose their evidence for the parties. The concept of “discovery” or “disclosure” is set for preventing trial surprise and making pre-trial preparation. The Judicial Yuan passed the Taiwan National Judges Act on July 22, 2020. It adopts the system of indictment without the dossier & evidence and discovery of evidence, which are brand-new topics for Taiwan. The Taiwan National Judges Act will officially come into effect in 2023.
First of all, the thesis analyzes the theoretical construction and institutional connotation of the discovery system and also introduces the discovery system in American law. The system is analyzed through several cases of the Supreme Court Of the United States and quotations from American Law. Secondly, the thesis also introduces Japanese law, aiming to learn some lessons from America and Japan. Furthermore, by studying the differences between the “Citizen Participation in Criminal Procedure Act” and “Taiwan National Judges Act”, suggestions are provided on Criminal Procedure of Taiwan. This article aims to discuss the pre-trial criminal discovery system by means of conducting comparative research on American and Japanese law and propose practice suggestions by reviewing the new draft and present system in Taiwan. | en_US |
DC.subject | 證據開示 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 國民法官法 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 當事人進行主義 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 公平審判 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | Brady法則 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 卷證不併送制度 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | discovery | en_US |
DC.subject | adversary system | en_US |
DC.subject | fair trial | en_US |
DC.subject | due process | en_US |
DC.subject | Brady Rule | en_US |
DC.subject | Taiwan National Judges Act | en_US |
DC.title | 國民法官法證據開示制度之研究 —以美國法為借鏡 | zh_TW |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | zh-TW |
DC.title | A Research on Discovery of Evidence in Taiwanese National Judges Act: Lessons Learned from the United States | en_US |
DC.type | 博碩士論文 | zh_TW |
DC.type | thesis | en_US |
DC.publisher | National Central University | en_US |