博碩士論文 108729007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣客家運動,以《客家風雲雜誌》發行和「還我母語大遊行」為核心,使客家議題公共化,直到2001年有了客家委員會的成立,象徵客家事務已屬於制度化運作的範疇,隨後2003年客家電視台開台,同年,在客家委員會補助客家知識體系計畫前身「大學校院發展客家學術機構作業要點」的推動下,有了客家學院的產生。客家知識體系大致能分為客家學術機構設立、客家研究與客家人才培育三大部分,運作方式以客家學術機構為中心,來推動客家研究及客家人才培育。而本論文欲探討客家學術機構中人才培育部分,在培育過程中,究竟什麼是影響其族群認同的重要因素?以及客家政策對於其中的年輕學子之客家意識,是否有助益? 本論文以新制度主義、族群理論及同儕影響的概念,運用制度與行為間的互動,來探討客家知識體系下年輕學子所產生的族群認同,將運用質化的研究方法,先利用文獻分析法梳理現今客家知識體系的制度安排與實作,接著再透過深度訪談法來驗證該政策對客家學院學生族群認同和行為的影響。 研究發現雖形成族群認同的因素相當多元,但「血緣」仍是決定認同的關鍵,且同儕間的互動交流會強化自身原來的認同,而若對族群有制定「福利」措施,對該族群認同的提升很有幫助。而研究個案—中央大學客家學院所制定之獎勵辦法及提供的資源管道皆受到學生肯定,最後也針對研究結果提出課程、國際交流和就業部分提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Hakka Movement in Taiwan centered around the publication of "Hakka Affairs Monthly" and the "Restore My Mother Tongue Parade", has brought the Hakka issues into the public domain. This movement continued until the establishment of the Hakka Affairs Council in 2001, symbolizing the institutionalization of Hakka affairs. In 2003, the Hakka TV station was launched, and in the same year, under the impetus of the precursor to the Hakka Knowledge System project, "Guidelines for the Development of Hakka Academic Institutions in Universities and Colleges," the Hakka Academy was established. The Hakka Knowledge System can be broadly divided into three main parts: the establishment of Hakka academic institutions, Hakka research, and the cultivation of Hakka talents. The operation revolves around the Hakka academic institutions, which drive Hakka research and the nurturing of Hakka talents. This thesis aims to explore the cultivation of talents within Hakka academic institutions. During the cultivation process, what are the crucial factors influencing ethnic identity? Additionally, does the Hakka policy contribute to the Hakka consciousness of young students within this context? This thesis employs concepts from New Institutionalism, Ethnicity Theory, and Peer Influence to explore the ethnic identity of young students within the Hakka Knowledge System through the interaction between institutions and behavior. Qualitative research methods will be utilized, starting with a literature analysis to outline the institutional arrangements and implementation of the current Hakka Knowledge System. Subsequently, in-depth interviews will be conducted to validate the impact of this policy on the ethnic identity and behavior of students in Hakka academies. The research findings indicate that while there are diverse factors contributing to the formation of ethnic identity, "ancestry" remains a crucial determinant of identity. Peer interactions and exchanges further reinforce one′s original sense of identity. Moreover, implementing "welfare" measures specific to an ethnic group can significantly enhance its sense of identity. In the case study of the Hakka Academy at National Central University, the established incentive mechanisms and provided resource channels have been positively acknowledged by students. To sum up, recommendations are also made regarding curriculum, international exchanges, and employment based on the research findings.en_US
DC.subjectHakka Knowledge Systemen_US
DC.subjectNew Institutionalismen_US
DC.subjectEthnic Identityen_US
DC.subjectPeer Relationshipen_US
DC.titleThe Hakka Knowledge System and Students’ Hakka Identity: The Example of Hakka College of National Central Universityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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