博碩士論文 108757002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract大數據的時代,服務是一種主動參與社會公共事務的美德行為,服務必須擴大參與規模與權責,在你服務的經驗中,您遇到的志工有哪一些讓你覺得不合適的行為表現:亦才能,助人的美德及福利活動;並以自由意志付出自己從事福利;心理健康及社區發展等方面的工作;具組織性的利他行為;之中指志工沒有收取任何薪金報酬;之中指是以幫助他人或對所處的情境有益的活動,並為在其他周圍直接助人。 本研究旨在探討平鎮義民廟參與廟宇志工行為的動機因素、如何安排、成長轉變、宗教信仰等變項間之關聯性的影響,在研究方法上透過半結構式進行質化訪談,係針對以平鎮義民廟服務志工為研究對象,以人格特質來探討志工們的行為意向之影響。 一、 志工除了依個人的興趣和居住地的考量外,最重要的是參與志工服務的「動機」,由多個錯綜複雜所構成的因素,能引發內外在的作用,引起行為產生的來由,既是行為的來因,它也影響行為持續時間的長短。 二、 「安排」確定時間表預估工作時數,投入服務的期間和「如何安排」時間的彈性,工作地點,志工服務於那裡。 三、 在服務中獲得自我「成長轉變」,期待服務他人助人為善,從服務中可以得益就是:學習增加知識、拓展視野打發時間、追求個人自我成長、並結交好友擴大人際關係、得到「快樂」獲得成就感、能力提升肯定自我價值、溝通技巧口才變好、提升社會地位、受意識型態引導、提昇工作效能,甚至人生觀正向改變。 四、 有個人堅定的「宗教信仰」為基礎,從信仰的虔誠程度和客家族群的認同感兩方面,加上自身對於所加入之宗廟團體皆有高度之認同感與向心力,志工投入廟宇服務對其生活(退休)並會對該團體產生一定的影響力。 透過志願服務、春秋季法會等祭祀活動,廟宇志工們內部所凝聚的力量,來自於心靈深處對宗廟信仰的一種崇敬與熱忱,這種崇敬與熱忱轉化成神明付託的使命感,讓來義民廟擔任志工們,從他們實踐志願服務的過程中,找到生活的目標和生命的充實感。不論是廟方例年性的工作、輪值者祭品週年性準備、信仰者例時性的祭拜,將對義民爺的信仰產生一個永恆復現的時間性,而這份時間性也將呈現更多風貌的文化表徵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the era of big data, service is a virtuous behavior by taking the initiative to participate in social public affairs. The participation scale and responsibility of service must be expanded. In your service experience, have you encountered any inappropriate behaviors of volunteers? Talents, virtues of helping others and welfare activities; devoting themselves to welfare at their free will, mental health and community development; organizational altruistic behaviors; it refers to the fact that volunteers do not receive any compensation; it refers to activities that help others or have positive benefits to the environment they are in, and help others directly in various fields. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the motivation factors, arrangement, growth transition, and religious beliefs of volunteers participating in the temple voluntary service at Pingzhen Baozhong Temple. The volunteers serving Pingzhen Baozhong Temple were enrolled as the research objects. In terms of the research methods, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted to explore the influence of volunteers′ behavioral intentions from the perspective of their personality traits. 1. In addition to considering volunteers′ personal interests and residence, the most important thing is the motivations to participate in volunteer services, which is composed of a number of complex factors that can provoke internal and external effects on the causes of behaviors. Motivations are not only the causes of behaviors but also affect the duration of the behaviors. 2. Arrangement determines the estimated working hours, service duration, flexibility of scheduling, and volunteer service location of the schedule. 3. Volunteers can achieve self-growth transition through providing services, and they expect to serve others and help others. The benefits they gain from providing services are learning knowledge, expanding horizons, killing time, pursuing personal self-growth, making friends, expanding interpersonal relationships, getting happiness and a sense of accomplishment, improving personal abilities to affirm self-worth, improving eloquence and communication skills, improving social status, being guided by ideology, improving work efficiency, and even positively changing their outlooks on life. 4. Based on personal firm religious belief, the involvement of volunteers in temple services has an impact on their lives (retirement) and on the group. Because of their devotion to their faith and the Hakka ethnic identity, the volunteers showed a strong sense of identity and cohesiveness to the temple group they joined. Through voluntary services, and sacrificial activities, such as the spring and autumn dharma assemblies, the internal cohesion of temple volunteers and their respect and enthusiasm for the belief in the temple from the depths of their hearts are converted into a sense of mission entrusted by the gods. The volunteers serving Yimin temples find their goal and fulfillment in life through their practice of voluntary service. The routine work of temples, the annual preparation of the sacrificial offerings by volunteers on duty, and the routine worship of believers will eternally reproduce the belief of the Yimin Lord, which will also present more cultural characteristics.en_US
DC.titleThe Research of Volunteers participating in Temple: Yi Ming Temple as the Case Studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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