博碩士論文 108757020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究運用文獻分析法、深度訪談法、參與觀察法等研究方法,探討客家歌謠班之於族群認同之影響,研究目的分別就楊梅客家歌謠班的現況、客家音樂對於族群認同的影響力及推行客家歌謠所遭遇到的困境,歌謠班之各前輩是否有建議之因應策略做一探討。 研究期間參考各學派理論,從客家音樂、客家歌謠班、族群、認同、族群認同之各種釋義及由實際參與過程中,一一剖析客家歌謠班與族群認同的關係。族群認同不只是存在於基本文化血緣的認定,亦是著重在主觀自我認同的記憶選擇。由族群態度、族群歸屬感及族群投入表現出族群認同的強度。 研究發現目前的客家歌謠班日漸式微,如何引導客家的幼苗接觸客家語言及文化,使之向下紮根,成為維持客家文化永續的重點,冀望今日的年輕人能夠成為他日客家歌謠班接棒的一群。客家歌謠班是一藉由民間團體的力量即可推動與傳承客家語言、客家文化的場域,而音樂本身具教育、娛樂、抒發情感與溝通表達的功能,客家歌謠是客家族群的重要表現及認同象徵,對於語言的學習、族群融合及客家文化的推廣亦是一良好的媒介。 對於楊梅客家歌謠班的教學者與學員而言,過去的客家經驗形成其理解世界的方式,因此透過客家音樂召換了語言、經驗與感知上的共鳴,也強化了他們持續想要學習客家歌謠的動機,進一步支持了其族群身分。客家認同有語言面向、社會身分、自我認知或定義等不同的構面。綜上所述研究者建議從以下三個方向著手鞏固客家文化:一、以家庭塑造一個客語溝通的環境。二、以學校塑造一個客家音樂素養的環境。三、以政策塑造一個客家文化的環境。冀望客家文化源遠流長。 關鍵字:客家歌謠班、族群認同、客家音樂zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract By literature review, in-depth interview, and participant observation, this study explored the effect of Hakka ballad class on ethnic identity. The research purpose is to explore the current situation of the Yangmei Hakka ballad class, the effect of Hakka music on ethnic identity, obstacles to promote Hakka ballads, and responsive strategies suggested by members of the ballad class. In the process, based on the theories of different schools, interpretation, and participation in Hakka music, Hakka ballad classes, ethnic groups, identity, ethnic identity, this study analyzed the relation between Hakka ballad classes and ethnic identity. Ethnic identity is not only the identity with the basic cultural blood relationship but also the memory option of the subjective self-identity. The intensity of ethnic identity is shown through ethnic attitude, ethnic sense of belonging, and ethnic engagement. According to the findings of this research, Hakka ballad classes are declining. It is critical to guide Hakka children to approach the Hakka language and culture in order to maintain the sustainability of Hakka culture. It is expected that the young generation of modern time can succeed in Hakka ballad classes one day. Hakka ballad classes are the place to promote and pass on the Hakka language and culture by private groups. Music is educative and entertaining and serves for emotional expression and communication. Hakka ballads are an important representation and symbol of the identity of the Hakka people. It is a proper medium for language learning, ethnic integration, and promotion of Hakka culture. For the instructors and members of the Yangmei Hakka ballad class, past Hakka experience is their measure to understand the world. Thus, while Hakka music resonant with the language, experiences, and perception, it reinforces their motivation to continue learning Hakka ballads and further support their ethnic identity. Hakka identity includes different dimensions such as language, social identity, self-cognition, or definition. Based on the above, the researcher suggested to stabilize Hakka culture by the following three dimensions: (1) Create a Hakka communication environment through families. (2) Establish the environment of literacy of Hakka music through schools. (3) Create a Hakka culture environment through policy. Thus, it will lead to the sustainability of Hakka culture. Keywords: Hakka ballad class; ethnic identity; Hakka musicen_US
DC.titleHakka Music and Ethnic Identity :Using Yangmei class as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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