博碩士論文 108825002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Xin Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究藉由不同感官通道刺激交錯形成的多重感官序列,探討個體是否能 進行跨感官通道與相同感覺通道內刺激的整合連結。在本研究中,我們進行兩 個行為實驗與一個相關事件腦電位研究(event-related potentials, ERPs)釐清並 更進一步討論序列中的刺激如何進行跨感官通道與感官通道內整合的運作機制。 實驗一中沿用 Kemény 與 Lukács (2019) 的實驗程序,並且增設一個排除動作反 應為指標的內隱測驗,以作為檢測參與者是否於不同感覺管道刺激交錯呈現的 序列中有非動作學習的表徵被形成。我們與先前研究結果同樣觀察到參與者展 現多重感官通道序列學習的效果,且刺激會受到跨感官通道刺激的隨機序列影 響反應時間。此外,與先前研究不同的是在單一通道刺激單獨呈現時,視、聽 覺單一通道序列均會展現學習效果,但依然聽覺序列學習效果大於視覺序列。 在增設的內隱測驗結果發現在沒有指示參與者進行針對刺激做序列按鍵動作下, 參與者對於接收到的序列片段無法回應高於猜測機率的正確判斷率,因此推論 序列學習主要以動作學習為主。 實驗二透過詞彙判斷作業檢驗視、聽覺刺激在交錯出現的情況下的促發效 果持續時間,並且與序列學習效果的結果進行相關分析。參與者在視、聽覺字 詞中都可以觀察到促發效果持續至間隔三個刺激出現後,並且此結果與參與者 先前在單一通道階段中,展現視、聽覺序列都能在獨立呈現時展現序列學習效 果的結果一致。實驗三透過 ERP 討論在內隱測驗中,出現序列片段與先前學習 的序列內容不一致時,是否有 N400 效果出現以檢驗參與者學習到的感覺序列是 否有進行跨感官通道的整合。結果發現只有感官通道與刺激本身均不一致時, 才能發現較大的 N400 效果,並且只要有感官通道的變化(無論刺激本身一致與 否),結果均能發現在刺激出現後期有 400~800 毫秒的負向腦電位差異。由上述 結果得知,個體在感官訊息交錯出現時,能夠將刺激進行跨感官通道的整合, 且同時也會有感官通道內非連續刺激表徵的連結。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study used multimodal sequences to explore whether individuals can integrate and connect stimuli across and within modality. In the current study, we used two behavioral experiments and one event-related potentials (ERPs) study to discuss and further explore how the stimuli were integrated across modalities and within modality. In Experiment 1, the procedure of Kemény and Lukács (2019) was followed, and an implicit test that excluded serial responses was added to examine whether the participants have a non-motor learning representation in the multimodal sequence. Same as the previous study, we observed the multimodal sequential learning effect and the reaction times for stimuli were affected by the cross-modal random sequence. In addition, we found different results from previous study that was both auditory and visual unimodal sequence revealed sequential learning effect, but the unimodal learning effect in auditory stimuli still larger than in visual stimuli. The results in the additional implicit test which was without the instructions of serial key pressings to the stimuli found that participants cannot perform a higher correct response rate than the pure- guessing probability. Therefore, we inferred that the sequential learning is mainly based on motor learning. Experiment 2 used lexical decision task to examine the duration of the priming effect for visual and auditory words, and conduct correlation analysis with the results of sequential learning effects. The results indicated that the priming effect for the visual and auditory words lasted until the interval of three stimuli, and this result was consistent to the unimodal sequential learning effect in both auditory and visual modalities. Experiment 3 contained the ERP to discuss whether there is an effect of N400 when the sequence fragments in the implicit test was incongruent with the previously learned multimodal sequence structure, and examining whether the stimuli ii were integrated across modalities for participants. It was found that only when the modality and the identity of stimulus were incongruent, the greater N400 effect can be found. Further, the ERP results indicated that a negative going waveform was found during the late time window of 400 to 800 milliseconds, when the modality was incongruent (regardless of whether the identity of stimulus is congruent or not). Given the results above, individuals might integrate the stimulus across modalities when the sensory information is intermixed, and at the same time, there will also be a connection between the non-adjacent stimuli within modality.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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