博碩士論文 109155006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Jen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1950年代,美蘇陣營的對峙,冷戰氛圍緊張,韓戰爆發,中共的參戰,為了迫使韓戰盡早結束。美國中情局在臺成立西方企業公司及民用航空運輸公司。於中國大陸沿海實施游擊隊突擊及內陸的空投物質、武器、人員與由美方派員駕駛飛機空降敵後情報人員。由我方人員編組飛行特種部隊,這批人員就是我國「空軍特種作戰部隊的起源」。「黑蝙蝠中隊」,以聲波辨位飛行的黑蝙蝠為精神表徵,也傳達了任務的特性──難以捉摸,對外番號稱「空軍第34中隊」。韓戰結束後,中共成為美國在亞洲最具威脅的國家於是逐漸將情報搜集由突擊活動轉換成空中與海上的情報偵搜, 1955年,中美簽訂〈STPOLLY計畫〉,同年8月即執行「獵狐行動」,為首次電子情報任務。之後人員及裝備轉移至〈蒼鷹計畫〉繼續執行深入中國大陸特種任務,期間駕駛美軍二戰留下的改裝飛機。P2V-7U的出現,才讓任務的進行安全及順利。偵察著中共的防空部署,執行著艱鉅的任務。解放軍的防空聯合部隊是「黑蝙蝠中隊」的剋星,在15年間共擊落了10架次任務機,造成108名黑蝙蝠隊員殉職,3名黑蝙蝠隊員被俘。1967年,〈蒼鷹計畫〉終止,黑蝙蝠從此不再踏入中共內陸的龍潭虎穴。共執行了838次的任務,折損了中華民國菁英108名,寫下中華民國空軍可歌可泣的歷史。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the 1950s, during the tense atmosphere of the Cold War and the outbreak of the Korean War, with the involvement of the People′s Republic of China (PRC), the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established Western Enterprise Corporation and Civil Air Transport (CAT) in Taiwan. They conducted guerrilla operations along the coast of mainland China and airdropped materials, weapons, and personnel inland. American pilots were also dispatched to airdrop intelligence agents behind enemy lines. These efforts led to the formation of what would become known as the "Air Force Special Operations Group" of our country.The "Black Bat Squadron," symbolized by bats using echolocation for navigation, represented the elusive nature of their missions and was externally referred to as the "34th Squadron" of the Air Force. After the Korean War, as the PRC became the most significant threat to the United States in Asia, intelligence gathering gradually shifted from covert operations to aerial and maritime intelligence reconnaissance. In 1955, the US and China signed the "STPOLLY Plan," followed by the execution of "Operation Foxhunt" in August of the same year, marking the first electronic intelligence mission. Subsequently, personnel and equipment were transferred to the "Project Blue Eagle" to continue carrying out special missions deep inside mainland China, including flying modified World War II-era aircraft.The appearance of the P2V-7U aircraft ensured the safe execution of these missions, which involved reconnaissance of the PRC′s air defense deployments and the completion of challenging tasks. The People′s Liberation Army′s (PLA) integrated air defense units became the nemesis of the "Black Bat Squadron," shooting down 10 mission aircraft over the course of 15 years, resulting in the loss of 108 Black Bat team members, with three captured. In 1967, "Project Blue Eagle" was terminated, and the Black Bats never ventured into the heartland of the PRC again. They completed a total of 838 missions, leaving behind a poignant and heroic chapter in the history of the Republic of China Air Force.en_US
DC.subjectBlack Bat Squadronen_US
DC.subjectProject Blue Eagleen_US
DC.subjectWestern Enterprise Corporationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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