博碩士論文 109223011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLing-Wei Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文利用在封閉系統下的熔鹽法合成出Ba2[Si3B3O12(OH)] (A1)、Ba[Si2BO6(OH)] (A2) 及 β - LaB8O11(OH)5 (B) 三個化合物,以高溫高壓水熱法合成出Pb6Si8B2O25 (A3)。四個新穎結構的化合物皆藉由單晶 X 光繞射方法鑑定出化合物的晶體結構。化合物 A1 的空間群為中心對稱的 P21/n,為少見的三個單層結構所組成二維層狀結構,每個單層皆由 BO4 和 SiO4 四面體上的三個氧原子做為連接點形成63拓撲構成二維層狀結構,Ba2+座落於8圓環通道中與層與層之間。化合物 A2 的空間群為中心對稱的 P21/c,以4圓環和6圓環表示(42.62)(4.62)2拓撲形成曲折的單層之二維層狀結構,Ba2+座落於皺褶的凹處。化合物 A3 的空間群為中心對稱的 R3 ̅c,由12圓環形成雙層的(122)(123)2 拓撲,彼此共享氧原子連接形成二維層狀結構,其基礎建構單元(Fundamental Building Blocks, FBBs)為T8O23(T: B或Si),以兩個(B(1)0.8Si(1)0.2)O4和六個(Si(2)0.933B(2)0.067)O4以氧原子共角連接形成,並以Si(3)O4四面體連接每個FBB形成雙層之二維層狀結構。化合物 B 的空間群為非中心對稱的 Pna21,FBB 為 [B8O13(OH)5]7-,可表示為4△4□:[ψ]<△2□>|<△2□>|<△2□>|□△,FBB 彼此共角連接形成二維的層狀結構,La3+位於9圓環通道中。本論文利用在封閉系統下熔鹽法及高溫高壓水熱法合成出四個新穎結構的化合物,並證明以此合成方法能合成出更多不同結構的材料。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFour new compounds, Ba2[Si3B3O12(OH)] (A1) and Ba[Si2BO6(OH)] (A2), Pb6Si8B2O25 (A3) and β - LaB8O11(OH)5 (B), were synthesized by a flux growth method in a closed system and the high-temperature, high-pressure hydrothermal method. All crystal structures were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The space group of A1 is the centrosymmetric P21/n. Compound A1 contains planar slabs of borosilicate formed of tetrahedral building units which can be described as condensation of three 3-connected 2D single layers with a 63 network topology. The Ba2+ cations are located in both the interlayer and intralayer regions. The structure is unusual with respect to triple tetrahedral layers. The space group of A2 is the centrosymmetric P21/n. Compound A2 consists of very contorted (3,4)-connected single layers with the rare (42.62)(4.62)2 topology. Ba2+ cations are located in the cavities of the sheets. The space group of A3 is the centrosymmetric R3 ̅c. Compound A3 has a 2D layer structure with (122)(123)2 topology. The layer consists of a new fundamental building block (FBB) with the formula T8O23 (T: B or Si) formed by two (B(1)0.8Si(1)0.2)O4 tetrahedra and six (Si(2)0.933B(2)0.067)O4 tetrahedra. The space group of B is the noncentrosymmetric Pna21. Compound B consists of the FBB, [B8O13(OH)5]7-, with 4△4□:[ψ]<△2□>|<△2□>|<△2□>|□△. Each FBB shares oxygen atoms to formed 2D layer structure. The La2+ cations are located in 12-ring channels. The high-temperature, high-pressure hydrothermal method and the flux growth method in a closed system are versatile methods to synthesize new materialswith interesting properties.en_US
DC.titleSyntheses and Characterization of Metal Borosilicates and a Lanthanum Borateen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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