博碩士論文 109322006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Hsiang Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究係為了改善前人設計之曲線型消能器,因其形狀不對稱,使得拉力側以及壓力側之強度有落差;若曲線消能器產生挫屈,則壓力側的強度會大幅下降。因此使用了X型的消能裝置,使之在一組消能元件受到壓力時,另一組消能元件則受到拉力,如此配置可使變形方式對稱,並在消能裝置受到較大外力壓力側發生挫屈現象時,拉力側仍能提供其強度。另為了改善曲線型消能器應力集中在彎矩最大處的現象,本研究加入了全斷面降伏的設計概念,使各斷面能有均勻的應力分佈,可以更有效率的使用材料。 為驗證上述設計的可能性,本研究針對不同的偏心距、深度以及厚度之X型曲線消能器進行了一連串的構件測試,並觀察其力學行為以及遲滯行為,並將消能器配置於抗彎構架中進行反復位移的加載測試。由實驗結果可以得知,有效解決單一側強度明顯下降的現象,並在全斷面應力降伏的設計概念下使應力均勻分布。並在構架試驗中可以之到本消能器的安裝可以有效提升抗彎構架的消能容量至3倍以上。由上述結果可之,此設計有效增加抗彎構架之耐震性能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to improve the curve damper. Due to its asymmetric shape, the strength of the tension side and the compression side is different. If the curve damper is buckled, the strength of the compression side will drop significantly. Therefore, an X-shaped curve damper is used, so that when one side of curve component is under compression, the other side of curve component is under tension. This configuration can prevent the damper from being subjected to a large external force. , the tension side still provides its strength. In addition, in order to improve the phenomenon that the stress of the curved damper is concentrated at the maximum bending moment, the design concept of fully stress is added in this study, so that each section can have a uniform stress distribution, and the material can be used more efficiently. In order to verify the possibility of the above design, this study carried out a series of component tests for the X-shaped curve damper with different eccentricity, depth and thickness, and observed its mechanical behavior and hysteresis behavior. Load testing with repeated displacements in a moment frame. From the experimental results, it can be known that the phenomenon of obvious decrease of the strength of one side is effectively solved, and the stress is evenly distributed under the design concept of full stress reduction. And in the frame test, it can be seen that the installation of this energy dissipator can effectively increase the energy dissipation capacity of the flexural frame to more than 3 times. From the above results, this design can effectively increase the seismic performance of the flexural frame.en_US
DC.subjectX-Shape Curved Damperen_US
DC.subjectFully-stress Designen_US
DC.subjectMoment Frameen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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