博碩士論文 109323027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Hao Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球暖化、氣候異常、能源危機是這個世紀以來人類必須面對的議題,IGCC與PFBC等先進的燃煤機組被學者們相繼提出,而高溫氣體淨化技術對於整體技術而言有降低成本、增加顯能利用率等優點。高溫氣體淨化技術中,移動式顆粒床過濾器已被應用於去除粉塵且有耐高溫、耐酸、耐鹼並高可靠度、過濾效率高等優點。 本研究基於前人所開發之移動式顆粒床過濾器,將其應用於移除酸性氣體,並針對其性能進行探討。本研究濾材採用具經濟性的石灰石,並配置500ppmv二氧化硫作為酸性氣體移除之對象,並於顆粒床過濾器出口處安裝氣體分析儀進行線上量測,以評估整體的脫硫效率。 本研究探討了表面風速、入口溫度、加熱溫度與濾材質量流率對脫硫效率的影響。實驗結果顯示溫度主窄顆粒床過濾器之脫硫性能,在加熱溫度800℃下,濾材的脫硫效率可達99%。隨濾材質量流率愈快,脫硫效率有降低之趨勢,這是由於濾材無法被充分加熱而導致;而表面風速與脫硫效率之間的作用較弱。 從吸附硫份後的濾材微結構進行探討,在加熱溫度800℃的實驗條件下,濾材表面產生許多細微孔洞,此特徵也說明了間接脫硫的發生,並也提升整體脫硫性能。從EDX組份分析中,隨加熱溫度從600℃提高至800℃,濾材硫份占比相對應的從0.17%提升至4.29%,這也直接說明溫度對於移動式顆粒床過濾器之脫硫性能而言乃為主要關鍵參數。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGlobal warming, climate anomalies, and energy crisis are issues that human beings must face in this century. Advanced coal-fired power plant such as IGCC and PFBC have been proposed by scholars. In IGCC and PFBC, the high-temperature gas cleaning technology can reduce costs and increase the sensible energy utilization and have other advantages. In the high temperature gas cleaning technology, the moving bed filter has been used to remove dust and has the advantages of high temperature resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, high reliability and high filtration efficiency. This study is based on the previously developed moving bed filter, which is applied to remove acid gas, and its performance is discussed. In this study, the filter material adopts economical limestone. The object of acid gas removal is as 500ppmv sulfur dioxide. The gas analyzer is installed at the outlet of the moving bed filter for online measurement to evaluate the desulfurization efficiency. In this study, the effects of superficial velocity, inlet temperature, heating temperature and filter mass flow rate on desulfurization efficiency were investigated. The experimental results show that the desulfurization performance mainly depends on temperature. Under the heating temperature 800℃ condition, the desulfurization efficiency can reach 99%. The desulfurization efficiency tends to decrease as the mass flow rate is faster, which is caused by the inability of the filter material to be heated sufficiently. The effect between the superficial velocity and the desulfurization efficiency is weak. The microstructure of the filter material after adsorption of sulfur content is observed. Under the heating temperature 800 °C condition, many fine pores are formed on the surface of the filter material. This feature also indicates the occurrence of indirect desulfurization, and it also improves the desulfurization performance. From the EDX component analysis, as the heating temperature increases from 600 °C to 800 °C, the proportion of sulfur content in the filter material increases from 0.17% to 4.29%, which directly shows that temperature affects the desulfurization performance of the moving bed filter.en_US
DC.subjectMoving bed filteren_US
DC.subjectHigh-temperature gas cleaning technologyen_US
DC.subjectDry desulfurizationen_US
DC.subjectCalcium-based desulfurizationen_US
DC.subjectHot gas clean upen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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