博碩士論文 109323035 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Te Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract大型旋轉機械如電廠、紡織廠、石化廠的動力馬達或引擎動力輸出室,或是在船舶底層輪機艙、飛機引擎室等,都具有振噪條件惡劣及空間侷限因素,實施現場動平衡校正相當困難且辛苦;其雖屬傳統技術且發展相當早,然而仍存在前述條件下未滿足的需求,即惡劣環境條件,能適當進行的需要。因應這種惡劣的工作環境,本研究發展一個具備智能性、且能夠大幅降低人為介入,甚至無人化的磁電式致動旋轉機械平衡系統。採用常規平衡校正所採取的影響係數法,無需人為介入額外加配重,而是經計算後透過平衡轉盤上鋼球位置變動,藉著定位座磁電開關致動,引導軌道上鋼球定位於平衡轉盤應在位置,達到旋轉機械平衡校正的目的。本論文分為三部分–(1)不平衡振動訊號數值模擬:藉由力學計算合成模擬訊號,再設計不平衡時軸承上所量測到的振動訊號,產生多個不同的數值模擬狀態,隨後分別以轉盤配重及磁電致動進行平衡校正,驗證平衡校正演算程式的正確性;(2)實驗平台及平衡校正系統設計:針對平衡校正課題設計實驗平台,系統以LabVIEW®與MATLAB®撰寫量測、計算、及控制人機介面,再由電腦透過Wi-Fi無線模組進行定位座開關控制;(3)實驗平台平衡校正驗證:以所設計的旋轉平台,驗證磁電式致動平衡儀的校正能力,其平衡盤面有5條非對稱式溝槽,每條溝槽設計3個配重定位點,經控制溝槽內配重鋼球進行校正;盤面外圈具有15個螺絲鎖孔,可利用不同重量的螺絲進行轉盤配重平衡校正。實驗設計900 rpm及1000 rpm兩種平衡轉速,先以轉盤配重在盤面外圈鎖附螺絲進行平衡校正,經校正後平台振動量下降可達90%以上;在旋轉平台經轉盤配重達到近似平衡後,設計配重造成已知的不平衡量驗證演算。在平衡盤外圈每 鎖上已知配重,再以轉盤配重平衡校正流程進行計算,並將其結果與設計的配重比較,計算準確度介於84.3–94.8%;在平衡盤外圈每 鎖上已知配重,再以磁電致動平衡校正流程進行計算,將其結果與設計的配重比較,計算準確度介於88.4–96.9%,並以此計算結果進行磁電致動平衡校正,振動量下降60.7–75.7%,可有效降低旋轉機械的不平衡振動量。最後對磁電致動平衡校正系統進行能力評估,在兩轉速下皆能達到ISO 1940動平衡規範G 6.3以下,證實所設計製作的系統可確實達到平衡校正之目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLarge rotating machines such as power motors or engines in power plants, textile factories, and petrochemical plants, or in the engine room on the bottom of the vessel, or aircraft engine rooms, etc., have harsh noise conditions and space limitations. Though balancing techniques belongs to a kind of traditional technology and have been developed for decades, there still exists unmet need. In response to this harsh working environment, this study developed an electromagnetic actuation technique for rotating machinery dynamic balancing can greatly reduce human intervention. The calculation procedure is similar to the influence coefficient method used in the usual balance correction, but it does not add extra weight by intervention, but changes the position of the steel ball on the balance turntable tract to achieve change after the calculation. The electromagnetic switch of the steel ball seat is used to brake, and the steel ball on the guiding track is positioned at the position where the balance turntable should be, so as to achieve the purpose of balance correction of the rotating machinery. This thesis is divided into three parts-(1) unbalance vibration signal numerical simulation: synthesize simulation signal with mechanics, and design the unbalanced vibration signal which we can measured on the bearing. Then balance it with traditional counterweight approach and electro-magnetic actuation these produced state to verify the correction of the system; (2) the experiment platform and field balancing system design: the platform is designed for balancing experiment. The system with measurement, calculation, and control human machine interface is program by LabVIEW® and MATLAB®. The Wi-Fi module which connected with the computer can control the power switch of the seat; (3) verify field balancing on the experiment platform: verify the balancing ability of electro-magnetic actuation balance system on the designed rotary platform. The balancing plane has 5 asymmetrical slots and 3 positioned keyhole on each slot, it can be balanced by controlling the counterweight steel ball, the outer ring of the balancing plane have 15 screw hole. The experiment is designed by 900rpm and 1000rpm two rotation speed. After balanced by adding counterweight on the turntable outer ring, the vibration of the platform can decrease over 90%. While the rotary platform approximate balanced, add counterweight to design known unbalance vibration data for verifying. Known counterweight is added at the outer ring of the balancing plane , each of it is 60 degrees away from others, the accuracy of adding counterweight on the turntable is 78.6–94.8%. Known counterweight is added at the outer ring of the balancing plane , each of it is 90 degrees away from others, the accuracy of using the designed electro-magnetic actuation is 78.9–97%, and the vibration can decrease 49–86% by using the calculation result for balancing. Finally, verify the ability of electromagnetic actuation balancing system. According to the standard ISO 1940, with two different rotation speed, it is proved that the balancing level of the rotor system can fall under G 6.3. The design system can effectively satisfy the goal of balancing. en_US
DC.subjectRotary machineryen_US
DC.subjectField balancingen_US
DC.subjectInfluence coefficient methoden_US
DC.subjectIntelligent actuationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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