博碩士論文 109352004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Jumg Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣政府為保障民眾居住權益、落實居住正義,強化推動只租不售之社 會住宅並積極興建社會住宅工程(集合住宅),此類集合住宅常為鋼筋混凝土 建物,而鋼筋混凝土材料易因施工方式、材料化學作用及環境因素產生劣化, 導致建物使用性與安全性不佳,其中混凝土裂縫為最常見亦是最難避免之 劣化現象。 本研究為提升社會住宅工程之工程品質,以桃園市政府中壢一號基地 新建公營住宅統包工程為例,參考其統包團隊於施工中,發現地下室1樓樓 版於澆置後產生大量混凝土裂縫之因應對策,並依據美國混凝土規範 ACI224-90,訂定混凝土建物修補準則:若混凝土裂縫寬度≧0.41mm,則應 採用適當混凝土修復補強方式,維持其安全性。 案例中,本研究邀請數位專業技師評估後,發現因樓板裂縫產生主因係 混凝土水泥用量大,致使水化熱作用明顯,經調整混凝土配比及強化混凝土 養護,同區一樓樓版混凝土裂縫減少50%,另既有裂縫依訂定修補準則採用 環氧樹酯灌注修補方法修復版裂縫,結構安全亦無虞。 由此案可知混凝土結構物產生裂縫實屬難以避免,惟混凝土裂縫亦常 發生時,建議可參考本研究請專業技師評估其成因研擬對策,減少後續裂縫 之發生,以增加建物生命週期及降低維護補強之成本。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaoyuan City is the facade, which is closely related to the international image of Taiwan. Since it was upgraded to a municipality directly under the central government, it has officially entered the stage of transformation and upgrading. Public construction are the foundation of urban construction and a symbol of urban progress; Therefore, improving the quality of public construction with policies, to construct a standardized project management system and strengthen the warning mechanism of the internal SOP control. Recognized by the gold quality award certified by the government to promote healthy competition among contractors and improve the quality of the engineering team. Public construction aims to maintain production conditions, improve the level of infrastructure services and people′s lives, and provides a high-quality environment for industrial development. The National Development Council put forward the concept of national development plan, which is to promote the effective use of the country′s overall resources and continuously promote the national construction plan. In order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of disputes over the performance of project procurement contracts. The contracts are formulated using the latest " Model Contract for Procurement 109.03.23" formulated by the Public Construction Committee, Executive Yuan. The contract also establishes the understanding and implementation principles that engineers should have at the same time, and enhances the understanding of professional ethics of engineers, so that they can spontaneously abide by the code of conduct stipulated by the project, fulfill their social responsibilities, and strive to improve the quality of public construction. iii This research uses the "Discussion on Contract Performance Management of Public Construction Contractors " and takes the ready-mixed concrete plant as an example to explore how to effectively improve the safety quality of buildings, and use this to energize the owner (construction supervision) and special supervision plans. Implementation earthquake-resistant Safe buildings are used to remedy the lack of effective control in building management, and it is expected that while promoting earthquake-resistant safety, consumers′ rights and interests can be further effectively protected.en_US
DC.subjectPublic Constructionen_US
DC.subjectManagement of Contract Performanceen_US
DC.subjectStructure Accreditation Buildingen_US
DC.subjecthigh-quality concreteen_US
DC.subjectready-mixed concreteen_US
DC.title混凝土結構物(版)裂縫探討 -以集合住宅為例zh_TW
DC.titleDiscussion on Cracks in Concrete Structures (Plates) - Take congregate housing as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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