博碩士論文 109352006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShao- Chun Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract108年7月28日台7線32.5K發生大規模坍方,造成交通雙向中斷,1天後搶通,以戒護方式開放小型車通行,夜間採預警性封閉,阻斷後影響復興區高義、三光、華陵三里,替代道路增加2小時車程。近年來,山區道路降雨頻率及強度增加,不確定的氣候變化,衝擊山區道路工程設施,因此,在山區道路修建過程中強調永續發展的思維,希望能兼顧地方產業發展及環境保育,所以,就目前在追求環保、經濟及社會的永續發展中,被要求為國家甚至成為全球共同的施政方針及目標。 本研究以「台7線32.5K災害復建工程」為例來評估於可行性評估階段、環評/規劃及設計階段對生態環境符合度之探討,是否符合公路總局110年制訂「省道公路工程生態檢核執行參考手冊」,是否採取友善生態措施,以干擾最少或儘可能避免負面生態影響之方式,且在路廊研選階段納入生態評估,及早避開生態敏感區域,積極營造永續公共工程山區道路環境生態及永續發展。預計於台7線32K~33K辦理改線工程並避開32.5K災害處,以達成道路永續發展之目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn July 28, 108, a large-scale collapse occurred at 32.5K of Provincial Highway No.7, which caused two-way traffic interruption. One day later, the traffic was rushed and the small car traffic was opened by guard. The early warning was closed at night, which affected Gaoyi and Sanguang in Fuxing District. , Hualing Sanli, the alternative road increases by 2 hours. In recent years, the frequency and intensity of rainfall on mountain roads has increased, and uncertain climate changes have impacted road engineering facilities in mountainous areas. Therefore, the sustainable development thinking is emphasized in the construction of mountain roads, and it is hoped that local industrial development and environmental conservation can be taken into account. Therefore, At present, in the pursuit of sustainable development of environmental protection, economy and society, it is required to be the common policy and goal of the country and even the world. This study uses the " Provincial Highway No.7 32.5K Disaster Reconstruction Project" as an advantage to assess whether the discussion on the conformity of the ecological environment in the feasibility assessment stage, the environmental impact assessment/planning and the design stage is in line with the "Provincial Highway Engineering Ecosystem" formulated by the Bureau in 110 years. Check the implementation reference manual", whether to adopt ecologically friendly measures to minimize interference or avoid negative ecological impacts as much as possible, and incorporate ecological assessment in the road corridor research and selection stage, avoid ecologically sensitive areas as soon as possible, and actively create sustainable public projects Environmental ecology and sustainable development of mountain roads. In this case, it is estimated that the rerouting project will be carried out at 32K~33K of Provincial Highway No.7 32.5K disaster site will be avoided in order to achieve the goal of sustainable road development.en_US
DC.title永續公共工程應用於山區道路- 以台7線32.5K災害復建工程為例zh_TW
DC.titleSustainable public works applied to mountain roads-Take the 32.5K disaster reconstruction project of Provincial Highway No.7 as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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