博碩士論文 109352010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsueh-Chin, Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract桃園大眾捷運股份有限公司經營之臺灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統由交通部鐵道局興建,全線里程共51.03公里,服務範圍自 A1 臺北車站至 A21 環北站,共 21 座車站, 並以普通車及直達車不同停站方式服務旅客,後續將會延伸至 A22 老街溪站及 A23中壢車站。機場捷運因全線橫跨臺北市、新北市及桃園市三個直轄市,連結桃園國際機場航廈、高速鐵路桃園站、臺北捷運臺北車站、三重站、新北環狀線新北產業園區站等數個重要交通樞紐站,為全臺唯一兼具機場聯外、城際及都會運輸之捷運。 本研究以機場捷運通訊系統為例,利用數學模式建構最佳化預防性檢修排程,應用電腦套裝軟體工具LINGO 17.0版本求解,再搭配Microsoft Excel 2019輸出檢修排程,經與人工排程比對,可提高人員檢修效率、減少無效工時產生,進而達到減少公司成本,藉由本研究模式輸出結果可供決策者參照利用,並可套用至捷運各項子系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted based on Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport MRT system, which is operated by Taoyuan Zhong MRT Co., Ltd and was built by the Railway Bureau of the Ministry of Communications. Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport MRT system is an important transportation hub and the only MRT system in Taiwan that connects the airports, different cities, and the urban areas, with a total length of 51.03 kilometers. The 51.03 km railway consists of 21 stations, from station A1 to station A21, across three cities (Taipei City, New Taipei City and Taoyuan City). and is planned to be extended to A23, A22: Laojiexi Station and A23: Zhongli Station, with express train or local train to serve the passengers. The passengers can transfer from/to Taoyuan International Airport Terminal, high-speed railway Taoyuan Station, Taipei MRT Taipei Station, Sanchong Station, New Taipei Ring Line New Taipei Industrial Park Station, etc... Therefore, using Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport MRT system for the research on “Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedule for Communication System” could be very useful and effective. For usefulness and effectivity, this study shows that with the optimized model, the company’s cost can be considerably reduced. To explain, the optimized model can improve the maintenance efficiency of personnel, reduce the generation of invalid man-hours, and thereby reduce the cost. Moreover, the study examines that the optimized model can apply to various subsystems of MRT. To obtain these results, I constructed a mathematical model to construct an optimized preventive maintenance schedule with the data from the airport MRT system, used the computer package software tool LINGO 17.0 to solve the problem, and used Microsoft Excel 2019 to generate. Comparing the generated maintenance schedule with the manual schedule, the results proves that it is of great value for the decision makers to refer to. Since it can greatly reduce the company’s cost and be widely applied.en_US
DC.subjectMRT (Mass Rapid Transit)en_US
DC.subjectcommunication systemen_US
DC.subjectpreventive maintenanceen_US
DC.subjectinteger programmingen_US
DC.titleResearch on Optimization of Preventive Maintenance Schedule for Communication Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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